14. Time

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"HE'S IN JAIL!?" Jisoo Scram.

Jisoo was in their new Warehouse, she feared they might find her, though her friends were about to split apart.

"SHHHHH! People could be investigating ANYWHERE" Rose calmed her down.

"Jisoo, not tryna be unsupportive but, this IS kind of your fault, maybe he liked you and you just, pushed him away!" Jennie spoke.

"Yea, so?!" Jisoo couldn't care less.

"Yea so? what is that supposed to mean! Some people have the problem that they care too much, but you, you care too little" Jennie left the room.

"She's right Jisoo, sometimes you're too, less. Well all the time, you think what you do is right, Jisoo, why don't you have parents?" Lisa explained

"Don't bring them into this!" Jisoo yelled.

"They got KILLED! Since then, it's like they killed your heart too! But your brain kept functioning, so your bad side took over, you were 12! Since then, you've murdered, bullied, you even went to MILITARY! As a GUY! Sorry to say this, but, there IS something wrong with you, You're a good friend, but I don't know if I should say, that you're a good person!!" A tear left Lisa's eye. And Lisa NEVER cries.

"Rose?" Jisoo supposed she would defend her.

"Sorry! She's right!" They both left the room.

Jisoo began to cry, she hadn't cried since her parents died, she didn't like talking about it, but I guess it was necessary at this time, she didn't KNOW she was heartless, she didn't have feelings, only revenge and madness, but that wasn't an emotion it was more of like a desire.

I have to do something about it

she thought.

Rose was watching her from the window which looked to the other room. Rose sighs in disbelief. She stood up and went towards Jisoo. "You may not have a heart, but you have this friend." Jisoo stood up and hugged Rose, how could she be so nice when she never treated Rose like she deserved to be treated!

"I'll help you. What's the plan?" Rose bellowed.

Jisoo smiled.

"Ok, call BTS" Jisoo said.

"Why can't you do that!?" Rose said.

"Because you have a boyfriend there!" Jisoo shrieked.

"We aren't official yet!" She pouted.

Jisoo rolled her eyes and gave her the phone, she felt determined, she thought that if she helped Taehyung, her heart would be back! Little did sh know, that deep down, she still did have a heart, if she didn't she wouldn't be helping him at all.

"Hey baby, had fun last night didn't ya?" Rose heard Jungkook's voice on speaker. She blushed internally into her soul. Jisoo laughed. "You're on speaker idiot." Rose said. "The world needs to find out some day! I'm 21! your 19! It's alright!" He said.

"Whatever! We need to save Taehyung"

"TAEHYUNGIE!? MY SOULMATE?" They heard a voice in the background.

"Shut up Jimin! Before I throw this chair up your-"

"STILL ON SPEAKER" Rose yelled before he finished his sentence.

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