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TW: mentions of blood

It was still numb as George opened his eyes where he lay on the floor, a puddle of blood on his pants and on the floor around him.

He had no idea how long he had been there, it could've been hours, days even. But probably not days.

He tried to sit up but felt like a weight was being pushed onto his chest, restraining him from moving.

But he didn't care.

He didn't want to be lying on the floor, what if someone walked in?

That would be the most humiliating thing in his life and to be quite honest, he didn't really know how he would deal with it.

He managed to sit up with a lot of struggles and scooted up to the nearest wall to keep him steady.

His breathing was heavy and his lungs stung as he inhaled the smoke filled air.

Shit, he forgot to put out his cigarette, he had just left it lit in the ashtray.

He struggled to get up to his feet, using the bookshelves and tables for decor around him to keep himself standing upright and limped over to the desk, sitting down in his chair as soon as he reached over to it.

He sat down with a loud huff, grabbed the cigarette on the ashtray and put it off and rested his head on the desk for some time before sitting back up normally, watching the office door with dead eyes.

He was so tired and his hands stung, he probably needed to get that checked out.

He looked away from the door, gazing his eyes over the dimly lit office, not dark enough so you wouldn't see the two mid-sized pools of blood on the floor.

That looked disgusting, he'd have to hire someone to clean that up.

"Oh, my god," he muttered lowly.

He felt like shit, he desperately needed to take a shower.

He pushed his chair away from his desk and stood back up with struggles and limped slowly towards the door, then to his bedroom.

The door of his bedroom opened with a slight creak as he pushed it open and took a step inside.

He went to his closet and took out an oversized hoodie his now ex-boyfriend had left with a pair of black sweatpants and just a random pair of boxers.

He walked to the bathroom connected to his room and turned the shower on, letting it heat up as he removed his clothes.

After he had removed his clothes off of his body, he stared at his naked body in the mirror.

His hair was a dark shade of brown and a lot more ruffled than usual, his dark brown eyes looked a lot more lifeless than usual and the eyebags underneath them stuck out from his white skin.

His shoulders were boney and his collarbones were completely visible, you could slightly see his ribs.

His boyfriend had been telling him that he had been overworking himself and that he needed to take time off work to take care of himself.

Poor George//dnfWhere stories live. Discover now