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TW: reference to wanting to commit suicide

George leaned his head off of Dream's shoulder to see the younger man's face, gazing his eyes over the blonde's face with concerned eyes.

"You seem worried, what's on your mind?" George asked, putting one of his hands onto Dream's chest.

Dream looked away, half rolling his eyes in a sense, letting out a pissed sigh. "It's nothing. Don't worry."

George furrowed his eyebrows but nodded. "Right."

"What? It really is fine, there's literally nothing wrong?" Dream snapped, his voice growing angry as he pushed George off him.

"I said 'right'! What the hell?!" George yelled back.

Dream rolled his eyes and scoffed as he stood up from his couch and walked away from his living room, into one of the three rooms, slamming the door of it behind him.

"You're acting immature!" George called after the blonde, leaning back into the couch and crossed his arms over his chest with an offended frown on his face.

He grabbed a blanket that was laying near him and draped it over his legs since Dream wasn't there to keep him warm anymore.

As he grabbed the remote of the tv to turn it on, the door of the room Dream had went into opened, causing George's head to snap in the direction of it.

"I don't care if I'm acting immature, fuck you, George!"

Then the door was slammed shut again.

"Oh my god, what a child," George mumbled, pressing play on some random tv show.

The door opened again. "I heard that!"

"Good!" George called back, before the door got shut again. Dream was a literal child.

As he waited for Dream to finish his tantrum, he watched the show he had turned on the tv, even though he wasn't really paying attention, fidgeting with whatever he found on Dream's coffee table.

Everything except checking his phone.

He knew it'd be blown up with notifications from probably Ben, or that's what he found most likely, or his mother and siblings.

But he didn't feel like talking to any of them now, even though he felt kind of bad for his mum, she was probably just asking for help for his dad's funeral.

George knew it'd cause himself a lot more pain than he needed, but it was kind of bad making his mother go through it alone, but he just really didn't feel like crying again any time soon.

Out of all of a sudden there was a loud knock on Dream's door, causing George's head to snap to the side by default.

The blonde came bursting out of the room he was in, stomping angrily to his front door. "Don't you fucking dare open it."

George nodded and put his attention back onto the tv show going on, not being able to be fully aware of what was going on.

"What are you doing here?" George heard Dream say angrily.

"My boyfriend lives above you, I was just thinking if you happened to know where he was."

Poor George//dnfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz