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George breathed heavily as he walked outside of the apartment building with his hood up and sunglasses on, heading to the store near his house to buy groceries.

He unlocked his car and got in, turning his bluetooth on once he had turned the car on and connected his phone to the car, turning on a random song that popped up in his recommended.

It was a song called 'mask' by someone called Dream, what a coincidence, they also sounded a little like Dream as well.

George shrugged it off before driving off to the store, which was not that far away, while listening to that song by that Dream guy.


Dream jogged back to the apartment complex, all sweaty and breathing heavily.

He unlocked the door to the lobby and took the elevator up to his floor, sadly without the brunette.

He unlocked the door to his apartment and walked to the kitchen after getting his shoes off, groaning when he remembered that he needed to go to the store.

Before leaving he decided to take a shower so he wouldn't smell like sweat, picked out an outfit and went to his bathroom and turned the shower on.

As he waited for the water to heat up, he stripped his clothes off of his body and went under the waterfall.

He finally finished his shower and stepped out, grabbing a towel and dried his body before putting on his clothes which consisted of a pair of boxers, black ripped jeans and a black t-shirt with a black and dark green flannel on top.

He slid on a pair of socks that barely reached over his heels and ran his hands through his wet hair to try and style it, which failed.

He grabbed a singular cross earring from the sink counter and put it into his piercing, then grabbed his eyeliner he kept in the cabinet behind his mirror and applied it to his bottom eyelid, smudging it on purpose by rubbing his eyes.

Taking one last look in the mirror before leaving the bathroom and heading to his bedroom to grab his phone, keys and wallet, along with his headphones before going back to his front door to put his shoes on.

He slid on his pair of black and white slip-on vans shoes before leaving his apartment and walking down the staircase and back to the lobby.

Deciding against using his car, he walked to the nearest grocery store which was around 15 minutes away if you went by foot.

As he neared the store he saw a familiar black car parked in front of it, very alike the one George owned.

He walked into the store and grabbed a trolley since he basically had nothing at his apartment except for spices for some reason.

After a half an hour of walking around the store, putting things in his trolley that he needed for his home, he felt like he had gotten enough stuff and went to pay.

That took its time since he was buying quite a lot, but it got finished eventually.

"Do you want the receipt?" the cashier asked, looking up at him.

"Sure," Dream said. The cashier nodded and printed the receipt for him, but for some reason took up a pen and wrote something onto the small piece of paper before passing it to Dream.

"Have a great day."

"Thanks, you too." Dream said, picking up his bags and walked out of the store.


George walked out of the store with one plastic bag in each hand and walked to his car.

Poor George//dnfWhere stories live. Discover now