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"Bye, George! See you later!" Dream said as he walked away from the brunettes flat, heading to his own.

"Bye!" George called after him as the blonde started walking down the staircase to get to the 5th floor.

George smiled as he closed the front door and retreated back into his living room, sat down on his couch and grabbed his phone.

He still had a slight headache, it was barely noticeable but it was there.

He had taken a painkiller earlier in the day, maybe it just hadn't kicked in already. It was also just around an hour since he had taken it around an hour ago, but usually it had started working by now.

George sighed and tilted his head back, dropping his phone onto the couch since it would just cause him a bigger headache.

With a sigh, the brunette stood up and limped into his bedroom since he had nothing better to do, leaving his phone in the living room, and lay down on his bed.

It did take him quite a long time of twisting and turning in his bed before he finally fell asleep, hoping that it'd not be for that long, just so that he'd get rid of the aching in his head, since it was only around 4:30pm.


Dream unlocked his apartment door and got his shoes off and closed the door, throwing his keys somewhere onto his couch, then walked to his bedroom.

He felt exhausted, but at least his head was feeling better.

Feeling like the clothes he was wearing were quite dirty, he stripped them off of his body, keeping his boxers on, and grabbed a blue oversized t-shirt that had some random logo on the front.

Once he had the shirt on he looked into his full-body-sized mirror and admired how the shirt hovered just over his knees, how it showed off his collarbones nicely.

With a smile, he walked to his bed and lay down, pulling the duvet all the way up to his chin and closed his eyes softly, drifting off to sleep quite easily.


The blonde's eyes fluttered open, not being caused by any lightning or sounds, just enough time of sleeping.

He yawned and turned onto his back, grabbing his phone from his bedside table to check the time.

5:16am, great, he thought to himself. He had slept for a little longer than 12 hours. At least his sleep schedule wasn't completely fucked?

After a little while of scrolling through twitter, he convinced himself to get up and stream to pass time before he'd probably fall asleep again.

Dream sat up with a yawn, pulled his legs into a criss cross position and rubbed his eyes before brushing his hand through his strands of blond wavy hair, convincing himself to get out from the comfort of his bed.

He just sat there for a couple of minutes as he felt his energy fill his body slowly, then got out of his bed and walked to his closet, taking out a pair of sweatpants and one of his own merch hoodies, then a pair of white Nike socks to slip onto his feet.

Once he had gotten his clothes on he turned his pc on and waited as both his three monitors and his pc turned on.

He opened up his twitch once it had turned on and started streaming, sending out an announcement on his twitter, causing people to flood into the chat, most of them surprised about the absurd time he was streaming at.

"Hello," he greeted, keeping his voice low to make sure he wouldn't wake his neighbours up in the early mornings. "How are you all doing?"

The stream went on for some time, Sapnap even joined halfway through to keep Dream company, so the stream went on for a lot longer.

After about 4-5 hours of streaming he heard his stomach rumble, it was not the first time during the stream but it was the loudest, and he realised that he hadn't eaten or drank anything after he left George's.

"I'm getting kind of hungry and it's like 10am, I think I'm going to head off," Dream said.

"Alright. I've started to get tired as well," Sapnap said, letting out a yawn.

"No shit, it's around 5am for you or something," the blonde man said, hovering over the deafen button on the discord app lit up on his second monitor.

Sapnap scoffed. "Fuck you, Dream."

"Gladly," he said. "But really, I'm going to head off, do you want to say goodbye to the stream?"

"Byeeee!" Sapnap yelled, almost damaging to Dream's eardrums.

"Sapnap! Won't you wake your mom up or something?! Be quieter!" Dream scolded and lowered the volume of his headphones down to prevent more damage to his ears.

"Stop crying, you baby," Sapnap said. "I'm leaving. Byee!"

"Bye, Sapnap," Dream sighed with a smile as he deafened in their discord call. "I'll be right back."

Sapnap hummed and probably went on his phone or something as Dream said goodbye to the stream and ended the live, undeafening again once he was finished.

"I'm going to go to sleep, man. I'm dying," Sapnap said.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later," the blonde man said before the two bid each other goodbyes, Dream telling the younger to sleep well as well.

They both left the call, and Dream let out a relieved sigh as he fell back into his chair, his mind full of nothing.

Which was soon replaced with the thought of food.

What could he eat? I mean, George was always an option- wait no. Cereal would do.

He stood up, black dots clouding his vision due to his lack of food and his balance all messed up, causing him to almost fall over onto the floor.

Mentally telling himself off for not eating for so long, he poured Cheerios into a bowl before grabbing a carton of milk from his fridge and poured it into the bowl.

Because that's the only right way to eat cereal. And you'll never change my mind.

He put the milk back into the fridge and grabbed a spoon, grabbing his bowl as well before sitting on his counter, his phone sitting beside him.

As he ate his cereal, he couldn't help but wonder for how long he had lived in his apartment, which was around one to one and a half years, not that long, he had never seen George until now.

It just... must be fate.


George woke up to the sound of his phone going off, someone was calling him.

The phone was on silent, though, he remembered that he had put it on silent once Dream came over so nothing could bother him.

But then he remembered, he had put ben's contact so his call would come through even if the brunette's phone was on silent, and just by habit had turned it back on.

Or maybe he still cared for Ben, more deeply than he would ever admit. Maybe he did really love Ben.

Or used to love Ben, maybe he still did.

George peered his eyes as the bright sun shined through the mesh curtains, lighting the room up.

It was too much light for the fact he had just woken up, but he shrugged it off, propped himself up on his elbows as he read the contact name.

With a sigh, he accepted the call. "Ben. What the fuck do you need?" George sighed with an unamused tone.

"Georgie, I miss you," Ben said. "I want us to get back together."

Word count: 1268

Poor George//dnfUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum