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"Are you okay?" Dream asked, turning his own car on.

George sat in the passenger seat, hugging his own body and looking out of his window, and Drista sat in the back seat behind Dream.

"Yeah," George mumbled. "I'm good."

Dream furrowed his eyebrows and bit his bottom lip, glancing over at George as he pulled out of the street they lived at. "Are you sure?"

George shrugged. "No," he said. "I am definitely not okay. But can we not talk about it now, we'll talk once we're home."

"Okay," Dream said and took a short glance over at the brunette.

Out of nowhere, he felt the sudden urge to tell George that he loved him, which would probably not get a good reaction from the brunette.

"George, you know I-" I love you, "I really care about you."

The blonde glanced shortly over at the older man, seeing a soft smile on his face breaking through the tears. (The heck)

George looked down into his lap and cracked his fingers individually. "Thanks," he said and looked up at Dream. "I care about you too."

At this point Drista must've given up, or it might've happened some time ago, because she had put her headphones in to avoid the conversation.

"Can you search up an animal shelter on my phone?" Dream asked, fetching his phone from his pocket and passed it over to George.

"Why a pet shelter? I was just planning on going to a shop or something..." George said.

"You're saving a cat if we go to a shelter," Dream pointed out. "That's why we're going there."

George scrunched his nose up and leaned his head back. "Okay..." he mumbled, typing into the search bar for animal shelters near them.

And of course, with the power of the internet, results for the search came quickly.

"You take a left here," the brunette said.

"Put the phone in the stand," Dream said and took the phone from him, putting it on the phone stand and turning on the directions.

They arrived pretty quickly and George got out of the car almost immediately after Dream had parked it, this seemed like Christmas to him.

Dream chuckled as the shorter man speed walked into the store, seeming to have put all other thoughts aside except for what was about to happen.

The younger man got out of the car and closed the door, knocking on Drista's window to gain her attention and nicked his head to the side, showing her that they had arrived.

She got out as well and the siblings walked in together, spotting George somewhere in there with a small kitten in his lap, a wide smile spread across the older man's face.

"George!" Dream called, getting a small movement as a response from George. Dream rolled his eyes with a smile and walked over to him, sitting down opposite him. "You're such an idiot."

"How?" George mumbled. "But look at him! Look at how cute he is!"

The blonde looked down at George's lap again, getting a better look of the ball of fluff lying in the other's lap.

It was a light gray colour and fairly small with light brown eyes, and he just fit George entirely, like the two were meant to be.

"He is," Dream hummed with a smile, bringing his hand to the cat's head to pet it. "You should definitely get this one."

Poor George//dnfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang