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George woke up the next morning in the warmth of Dream's arms.

And the bright light of Dream's phone screen just in front of his forehead.

He winced and squinted his eyes due to the bright light coming from the phone screen. "Why is it so fucking bright?" he groaned, using his hands to cover his eyes from the light.

"Good morning to you too," Dream chuckled as he kept on looking through his phone mindlessly.

"Fuck you," George muttered,

"Alright," Dream said. "We should probably get up soon, it's like 2pm."

"How is it 2pm?" George asked with a yawn following.

"Uhm... we went to sleep?" Dream chuckled.

George groaned, and just a second later there was a loud noise coming from the kitchen.

Dream patted George's arm. "Well, that's our queue. C'mon," the blonde said and sat up. "Come when you're ready."

George hummed as the blonde left the room, ruffling up George's hair before leaving.

Dream walked out from the bedroom and walked to the kitchen, taking a seat by the island and watched as his sister poured cereal into a bowl for herself.

"Good afternoon," Drista said as she turned around, placing her bowl opposite Dream.

"Afternoon," Dream mumbled. "How'd you sleep?"

She hummed and shoved a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. "I slept okay, I guess," she muttered. "You snore loudly, it interrupted my peaceful sleep."

"fuck you," Dream mumbled. "And mom's not here to tell me off so I can do whatever I want."'

Drista stuck her tongue out at the man. "So I can also swear, fucker."

"Tim the adult here, I rule," Dream said. "No swearing unless you're older than twenty."

"Then George can't swear, can he?" Drista said.

"Yeah he can," Dream scoffed. "He's literally older than me!"

"How? he looks like he's just a little older than me?" she said.

"He's like 24," Dream said. "He's older than me."

"Oh! How?" Drista asked. "Like I said, he looks 16!"

Dream rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, I get it."

Drista nodded and let the twos conversation slip into silence as she ate and Dream zoned out into his own little world.

"Good morning," George hummed as he walked into the kitchen, taking a seat beside Dream at the island and leaned his head against Dream's shoulder.

Dream snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at George. "Not morning," Dream reminded with a warm smile on his face.

"Whatever," George mumbled. "I don't care."

"How do you manage being so tired all the time?" Dream asked.

George shrugged. "I don't know," the brunette mumbled.

"And you're sure you two aren't dating?" Drista teased, leaning off of the island. "Seems like you're a couple to me."

Dream twisted his face and stuck his tongue out. "Haha, fuck you."

"Dream, don't be mean to your sister," George scolded and pushed Dream's arm. "Be nice."

The blonde man rolled his eyes with a scoff, looking away from the brunette and to his sister shamefully, the girl carrying a smug look in her face.

Poor George//dnfWhere stories live. Discover now