Power over the soulless

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Hunter, Gunther, Anna and Jackson progressed throughout the years with little resistance and strife, Hunter proved to be a great child, he always did what he was told and never misbehaved, Jackson was also was growing up to be a fine young man with strong morals...Jackson even managed to be enrolled into Beacon academy...this was of course great news for everyone, Jackson was following in his parents footsteps and was training to become the best Huntsman he possibly could be...

Hunter however was sad to see his big brother go and "leave the nest", on the very day that Jackson was to head to Beacon, Hunter stopped him at the front door by latching himself onto Jackson's leg and yelling through cries " BIG BROTHER DON'T GO!" Hunter did this for an hour before Jackson managed to calm him down, when Hunter went to sleep, Jackson left for Beacon...Leaving his parents deal with a sad and angry Hunter...

The months and the two years since Jackson left went by at a brisk and ready pace...Hunter was now eight and proved to be a powerful kid...he was faster and stronger...Of course, Hunter revelled in his strength and power, He would always ask for Gunther and Anna to train him and after non stop action on Hunter's side, The two grimm slayers let go of their fear and help their adoptive son train so he can become like his brother...

Hunter however was getting stronger and more powerful each day, he would train every day he could get his parents out of bed...Some days he would go out himself however, this however only proved that Hunter was more special than anyone thought when Something unexpected happened...

Hunter was in the woods testing out his speed when he saw something in the woods, Hunter was curious...He knew he had to be careful but eventually his interest was peaked and he went to investigate...

Hunter tracked whatever he saw to a dark cave, There he heard a mighty and evil sounding roar...He is quickly engulfed by a paralyzing fear that made movement impossible...Hunter turned around to the inner part of the cave to see red eyes...A grimm Beowulf slowly makes itself known as it enters the light...

The grimm made Hunter even more scared...He thought his life was now over, he never got the chance to tell his parents he loved them one last time...He watched in horror and terror as the Beowulf started to run towards him at blinding speeds... Hunter shouted the first thing that came to mind...

Hunter: B-BAD PUPPY!

The grimm instantly stopped mid attack and tilted it's head at Hunter, the Beowulf quickly started to whimper before falling onto it's stomach, Hunter could feel his terror and worries melting off him and he knew he could approach the Grimm without fear, The young grimm Faunus placed his head onto the Grimm's bony mask and the beast started to change, mainly its mask changed from red markings to blue and its fur turned snowy white...Little did Hunter know, His parents were right behind him watching the whole thing unfold...

Gunther and Anna were more than surprised...they thought Only "she" had control over the soulless grimm...yet it looks like Hunter can as well...There was something they didn't know however...

They weren't the only one to see Hunter's new ability...

The headmaster was now more than curious...

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