train ride

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Hunter, doctor Oobleck and team Rwby all jump onto the back of the train...Oobleck snuck up on a white fang soldier and "bonked" him on the head with his staff...they then quickly climbed onto the roof...

Oobleck: hurry children! we must hurry to the front and stop this train!

but soon, all eyes were on Weiss...

Weiss: Um...Professor?

Oobleck: Doctor.

Weiss: what's that?

Everyone looks into a hatch on the train and sees a mysterious object...

Oobleck; That my dear...appears to be a bomb.

Hunter looks up and sees multiple white fang approaching...

Hunter: I think we are in trouble?

Suddenly the bomb activates...

Oobleck: Blake! decuple the Train car!

Blake jumps down and tries to decuple the train car...but it disconnects itself...

Blake: It decupled itself!?

Yang: guess they really didn't want it on the train!

Everyone looks to the decupled train car and watches as it explodes into nothingness...

Oobleck: that's not good...

Hunter: Neither is this!!

Hunter opened another hatch and saw a bomb sitting inside...


Oobleck jumps to the next train car...and sees another bomb...


Everyone feels the ground underneath them shift and sees the train car they are on has decupled itself as well...Everyone quickly dashes to the next train car...

Yang: This doesn't make any sense!

Hunter: White fang Inbound!!

Team rwby turns to see a horde of white fang...everyone charges at the misguided faunus and either pummel or crush was easy for Hunter...He didn't even bother pulling out his sword...He merely used his semblance to crush, kick and punch everything around him...

Everyone looks back at the exploding trains and soon everyone understands why Roman is doing this...He is luring grimm to the city...


Everyone manages to get to the front of the train...Hunter, Yang, Blake and Weiss...when they were stopped by a familiar was the woman that night Hunter and team Rwby fought Roman...

Yang: you guys go and Hunter got this...

Weiss and Blake quickly run by the mysterious woman while Hunter and Yang squared up...Hunter was smaller than the woman and she herself was small...Yang however...towered over the pink haired woman...

before throwing a fist at her...

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