The Little Things They Like About You

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Yuuji Itadori

Just you being you. You jump up on Panda's back and give everyone hugs? He loves that. He sees you cooking for your friends. He loves that. Heck, if you sleep a lot, he loves that about you too. This man just loves your little things. EVERY LITTLE THING

Megumi Fushigirou

He likes your silence and how you're rather reserved in personality. He an observer and a listener, so he just stares  at you and just admire your gentle aura. He basks in your aura and energy, it's light, calm and comforting.

Nobara Kugasaki

She likes how shy you are, and how she gets to protect her little princess. What else does she like? When she sees you kick ass as well. How your personality polarizes when in front of friends and when you fight curses. You never fail to amaze her.

Maki Zenin

She admires your strength and intelligence. Yes, you may have unintentionally hurt her feelings for mentioning Mai, but overtime her observations on you just made her even more interested in you. It became an obsession to watch you and see you everyday. Just one glance, it's enough for her.

Toge Inumaki

He likes your efforts on everything. How you put an effort to learn his language, how you put effort into improving in your cursed technique. He's awestruck. He's never seen anyone put that much effort. Also because of your cute face when you try to lift something heavy.

Yuuta Okkotsu

How are you so flawless??? How do you do the things you do without any difficulty? You say it's hard but you make it look like anyone can do it in just a day? He loves how you do things with ease. 

Gojo Satorou

You're cute. With the addition that you are in a sweets store, it adds more cute to you. You're just cute. The WHOLE PACKAGE OF CUTE. Tell me otherwise, but he'll call you cute. And he like that you're cute and innocent, because he doesn't see that at all in the jujutsu world. He cherishes that shit like it's the world.

Geto Suguru

He likes how chill you are. Need I say more? You're so calm and collected, and you're just so cool. He may have Gojo, the laid back chill dude and Shoko, the laid back and I don't care at all gal. But you're the 'I'm cool and care' type. Most girls would ravel under his glance or just hiss at him for being such a flirt, but you flirt back and end up being cool. He likes that.

Nanami Kento

Most women he meets would often go off and try to flatter him or get laid, but all your encounters were very professional and polite. He likes that. He likes reserved and professional people because he feels safer with them. After all, being surrounded by a bunch of chaotics makes him worry a lot. Your professionalism and reserved personality is basically god-send

Junpei Yoshino

He likes that your comfort and care that you give him. It reminds him of his mother. He also likes how much you baby him, because again, it reminds him of his mother. And it's already an established fact that people love people that remind them of their parents.

Ryoumen Sukuna

Simplicity is key. He was raised as nobility, so he's certainly annoyed by the lavishness of the world. And you are quite the simpleton. So yes. He likes your simplicity. He doesn't just like it, he admires it from afar. Most women would go off and decorate themselves with makeup and heavy jewelry and they are beautiful. But he sees the simplicity in you and finds it godly. 

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