Next Step

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Luhan wakes up in the morning and the first thing he does is smiling. His hand runs on Irene's hair softly. He adores the sleeping goddess infront of him for a while before gets up from the bed and walks back to his own room. He starts to take a bath and get himself ready for office. Luhan walks to the intercom inside his room and calls Yumi. Less than one minute, Yumi already there for him "Wake her up, tell her she will come with me to office" Luhan commands Yumi as his hands make his tie "Ah, Yumi" Luhan stops Yumi from leaving and smiles "Please make a cup of black tea for her"

"Miss" Yumi shakes Irene's body softly and slowly. Irene curles her body like a puppy before opens her eyes. Yumi smile welcomes her for the new morning "I really sorry to interrupt your sleep Miss, but Master Lu wants you to get ready and leave to office with him" Yumi explains to sleepy Irene. Irene just nods to her and walk to the bathroom. She is a slave for Luhan right now, just like Luhan who is her slave to bring down Yoon Jangwoon.


Irene walks out from bathroom with just a towel covered her body. She looks around her room and try to find Yumi "Yumi" She calls her maid and suddenly Yumi appears from the another room inside her room "Miss, I'm sorry, I don't know if you finished your shower, I'm busy preparing your clothes" Irene smiles to Yumi softly as she walks to her wardrobe "This is the clothes that you will use for today's event, I will leave you now Miss" Yumi bows to Irene and walk out. But suddenly she turns her body to face Irene once again "And I already make a black tea for you, it's Master Luhan's order, please drink it, hope you like it" Yumi bows to her and leave her confused *That hot guy named Luhan really did a background check on me, he even knows every details of me* Irene smiles to her own thought as she uses her clothes.

Irene sips the black tea as she closes her eyes, enjoy the bitter taste of the tea. She opens her eyes in a mention of Bae's name from the TV. She watches the news about her family calmly "The investigation was end and this accident was clearly a human error, the driver was sleepy and the incident happened, today's morning the rest of TvB's crew came to the funeral of the founder of TvB, we really respect Bae's family and we hope they rest in piece. TvB news, Song Chaekyung" Irene sighs when the news end. She feels sad because she can't come to her own family's funeral. 

*Appa, eomma, oppa, I always love you, even when I never show it* Irene really in a deep thought about her family and she didn't realize Luhan already there, watching her in silent. Luhan walks closer to her and touches her shoulder. Irene turns her face to Luhan and smile. She tries to show him her strongest side but her teary eyes show Luhan that she is broke inside "Sorry, but you can't cry right now, you have to be strong, let's start today, I always beside you" Luhan caress her cheek softly and smiles. Irene that near to tears suddenly feel comfortable. She doesn't know where the tears run to, but she knows that her tears gone away because of Luhan.


"Why I have to come here with you?" Irene asks Luhan in confused when they arrive at his company. Luhan turns his face and unbuckle Irene's seatbelt "Because you have to learn about business to knock Yoon Jangwoon down" Luhan smiles and Irene frowns "I have to learn, huh? I hate this major, my parents force me to study this major years ago" Irene whines to Luhan who finds it cute "You are a bachelor of business but I know you have nothing there" Luhan knocks her forehead and chuckles "Yah! I'm not that stupid, I will show you, let's study!" Irene won't let her pride hurt "Let's go"

Luhan holds her hand softly and bring her to the lift "Don't worry, we immediately go to my floor, just a few workers will see you, and I already told them about the secret, so don't worry, you are safe" Luhan explains to Irene who is looking into him blankly. She never think about that before but she really thank Luhan because he really prepared this well for her. When they walk out from the lift, every workers in that floor bow to them except one, Suho. 

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