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Luhan POV's

I just stand there like a stupid statue as I watch her disappear from my sight. I can't move my legs. They are weak as fuck. I think I hurt her. I think she is mad at me. I think she is angry at me. All I can do is thinking. Yes, I'm a stupid. 

"Hyunie" I whisper her name to the wind. Hope the wind will tell her.

"Don't leave me" I can feel my tears fall from my eyes. This is the first time I ever cry because of a girl. She means the world for me.

I start to run. I don't want to lost her. I want her always beside me. Selfish, yes, that's me.

I run to hotel room because she will take all her belonging there. I run like crazy because this is my last chance. Hyunie will leave my mansion when she arrive at Seoul. I believe that would happen.

I open the door when I arrive there. To my surprise, there is Hyuna there. I blink my eyes for a while at her. She uses a very sexy dress and now she is staring at me. What is she doing here?

Something hits my head. That's why Hyunie talk like that. I never have sex with Hyuna but Hyunie accused me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Hyuna with a cold stare.

"I blackmailed you, I think she left you, right?" Hyuna smirks.

"You are such a bitch" I get in to the hotel room and my heart beats so fast when I see Hyunie's luggage. She didn't take it with her. 

I hurriedly throw my belonging to the luggage. Suddenly I feel a backhug. I close my eyes and sigh.

"Let me go, I have no time" I scold Hyuna.

"Wae? Someone is watching us now" Hyuna whispers seductively. I just broke the hug harshly and turn my face. 

Damn it! Hyunie is standing infront of the door with a straight face. I lock her eyes with mine and a sudden heart break happen to me.

"I really sorry, I just want to take my luggage" Hyunie talks as she walks closer. She takes her luggage and walks away. 

I shoot Hyuna a death glare before run to Hyunie. I grab her wrist and turn her body.


"Luhan, I didn't mean to disturb you with her, I leave now" Hyunie say it coldly. I can feel my heart clench in pain when my lovely Hyunie turns cold. Her cold heart breaks me inside but her eyes full of pain and sadness. It makes me want to protect her.


"Goodbye" Hyunie walks away from me.

"She is gone, it's just me here, let's go" Suddenly Hyuna links her arm with mine. I stare coldly at her and push her harshly.

"Are you happy now? If you keep doing thing like this, you will forever alone, noone likes a bad girl" I say it with a flat tone but I know my words will stab her heart.

(End of POV)


Irene arrives at Seoul first and she immediately goes to Wendy's home. Nothing in her mind. She is totally broke inside. She doesn't want to go back to Luhan's mansion. 

One hour later, Luhan arrives at Seoul and he immediately runs to his car. He dials Irene's number with panic. He worries a lot about her. He can't stop her at Jeju because when he arrived at the airport, Irene already flied to Seoul.

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