Your Name

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Have you ever thought of meeting yourself?

Wait. You're not important.

Let's just talk about the two sleeping demons on one bed unbothered by each other.

Slowly, as the sun rose from the east, their bodies shifted on the soft mattress. Not noticing any wrong yet, they continue to slumber.

Soft breathing vibrated in the room as they slept. Their beautiful faces looked so peaceful as if they were dead yet not as there was proof to their lives.

After a few minutes, their body clocks activated as they opened their eyelids. Coincidentally, they were facing each other's faces. So when they opened their eyes, both people saw a beautiful face. Similar yet different features. One feminine and on masculine.

As soon as they realize that they were staring at another person's eyes on their own bed, they immediately jumped away. When their feet made contact with the hard floor, both people stared at each other aggressively.

"Why haven't I noticed him/her on my bed?" Both of them thought.

It was now obvious that these two people had the opposite gender. But it was impossible for them to be sleeping in one room considering they really did not have any intimate relationships with any of the opposite gender except if you count friends, which only really counts if you add 'with benefits'.



They talked at the same time which made the atmosphere uncomfortable.

The girl scanned the features of the boy first and the boy let her do it while he studies the room. She saw how much manliness and adorkability he was exuding however she felt as if she was drawn into his eyes. It was as if he was a magnet for her. His body looked as if it was sculpted by the God of Arts. His chiseled features and the perfect muscles on his torso and limbs were too sexy for a human. The girl continued scanning him up till she saw a huge bulge on his crotch which clearly is a morning wood. But neither blushed at that. That was not the problem yet.

The girl finished scanning so she also started looking at the room. Recognizing it as their own, they both frowned. The boy was now curious at the girl. How could she be here? Why is she here? When was she here? Where did she come from? Who is she? Those thoughts lingered for some time in his head but he shook it off as he wants to study the girl's features as well.

When he studied her face, he admitted in his mind that she n times more beautiful than Horikita. Her face was so pretty that if you didn't know she was a human, you would say she was Aphrodite. Her pink lips. Her beautiful shining brown eyes. Her long and silky hair. Dainty arms. Fair skin. Neat face. Even her body was too phenomenal.

Her curves were astounding him. Her full breasts, her small waist, wide hips, sexy butt, and most of all thicc thi-..ghs.

The boy still continued thinking about the thicc thighs even though the girl's quick attack almost got him. The girl was still raising her knees after giving the boy a round house kick. Unconsciously, the boy's gaze landed on the exposed inner thighs of the girl. Her position exposed her underwear as well, which caught the boy's attention.

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