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Heavy breathing SFX










"Foooo ~ Can we switch now, Kiyotaka?"

"Huh? No. I'm still tired give me about 5 more minutes."

There was silence for a few moments before Kiyone decided to complain.

"...So I'm still the one moving." Kiyone's blank stare met with Kiyotaka's blank stare.

If you can't understand, they stared at each other with blank expression. Understand?

This pair has been exhausted to no end even when they switch who moves.

"...Fine. I will."

"Thank you. I love you, Kiyotaka~" Kiyone switched with Kiyotaka and kissed him before relaxing her body.

"Mhm~ go~" Kiyone urged Kiyotaka to perform it already.

"...Cute." Muttered Kiyotaka as Kiyone was cheering him on like a child.

So without any hesitation, he quickly grabbed the rod and slammed it hard.




"You're really good at this Kiyotaka~" Kiyone said. Kiyotaka got aroused by her tired yet sweet voice but he just continued on his part.

"Will you give me reward later too then?" That was what Kiyotaka is hoping for. For him, he could do anything just to have Kiyone give him rewards. Everyday was different. Surprises, I say. She always prepares a surprise. Although Kiyotaka also does, Kiyone, being the woman in the relationship had much more free time.

"Sure~ but it's a surprise~" Then, Kiyone winked at him as he bent his knees. He always wondered how could Kiyone make her voice sound so sweet and full of expression even though she also has a poker face.

He was wondering this, not knowing his partner was also wondering about how he could sound sexy even if he had poker face.

Kiyone, being the more perverted one, glanced at Kiyotaka's rock hard abs as he pounded on the hole with the rod.

Since Kiyotaka was going really hard, the ground shook a little causing her body to shake. Though she was also feeling great due to the lemon.

Kiyotaka continued ramming the tip of the rod into the hole as it reached deep hitting a core.

Kiyone continued feeling great of lemon as Kiyotaka was having fun poking the bumps with his hands.

Coincidentally, when he squeezed on a bump, a debris fell near him causing to shifted on his position.

KIYOTAKA x KIYONEWhere stories live. Discover now