Chapter 19

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Sapphire wants to play this game huh, fine then two can play, I thought to myself. Her talking to that guy made me really mad but if it also weren't for me she wouldn't have stormed off. I walked back to my room thinking of ways to make her mad. Then a brilliant idea hit me. How about I just continue to bully her just like I did in school, ya maybe the other guys won't, like they use too but I still will. I walked into my room and I saw Alexandra on the bed still naked, watching tv. She would make a great addition to my plan.

"Hey Nashypoo," she said.

As much as I hated that name, I had to go along with it to make my plan work.

"Yes babe" I said looking straight at her.

I was taken back a bit at what I had just said and on the looks of Alexandra's face you could tell she was surprised to.

"Can we do something today?" She asked.

"I don't know but I'll ask the guys if they had anything in mind" I responded.

"Ok, but right now how about we finished what we started" she said looking at me seductivly. I mean why not right, it's not like I have anything to lose.


I walked into the room with a huge smile plastered on my face. After I got that guy Dominic's number I felt really happy for some reason. I decided I would actually call him, but I'll wait until tomorrow. I laid down on the bed replaying the incident all over agian. I felt that overwhelming feeling take over again but I wasn't going to cry anymore. I had to be stronger than that. I got a text from Gilinsky.


Hey so everyone's gonna come to our room later and were going to have movie night. So can you get some stuff?


Ya sure!


Thnx! Love you lots💜

No probs, love you too

I ended the conversation and got up and went to go shower. After I was done I changed into a pair of grey joggers and a red hoodie paired of with my red Vans. It was 6:45 pm so I decided to go get all the stuff now because we would most likely start the movie at around 8pm.

I grabbed my keys and jumped into my Jeep. I arrived at the store and went straight to the food aisle. I got all kinda of chips, popcorn, drinks, and a whole bunch of candy.

I paid at the counter then loaded everything in my car. When I got back to the room It was already 7:20pm so I started to arrange everything by putting them and bowls and putting the drinks and candy out. By the time I was done it was already 7:50pm. Gilinsky then walked in with Shai with his hand draped around her waist and JJ following behind.

"Looks like you got everything done" Gilinsky said giving me a hug.

"Yup" I said not popping the P.

"So what movie are we watching" I asked.

"ANNABELLE" Jack and Jack both said in Unison.

I'm not going to lie I like scary movies but I'm still recovering from the Conjuring. Rory freaked me out way too much. Shai and I both looked at each other then at the guys with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry babe I'll be here to protect you" Gilinsky said to Shai.

"Ya we'll see about that" Johnson said to Gilinsky, which earned him a punch in the arm from him.

We all started laughing until we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Must be the other guys" I said.

When I went to open the door I was a little heartbroken and disgusted at the same time. Nash was making out with that slut. I had a disappointed look on my face but quickly changed it before they saw.

I coughed trying to clear the air. When they stopped the slut gave me a glare while Nash just had a smirk plastered on his face. I let them in and just went and sat next to Shai, we were talking until the rest of the guys came in.

"Hey Saph can you go down to the lobby and get some ice for the drinks" Gilinsky asked.

"Crap! Sorry I forgot to get some before I came up" I said.

I walked out the room down to the lobby until I'm slammed into the wall and feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look up to see Nash standing right in front me. Why did he just punch me?

"W-Why did- Shut up!" I'm cut of by Nash slapping me hard against my cheek.

"You asked for this Sapphire, and now your going to get it, and if you tell anyone about this your dead" he said whispering the last part, and with that he left.

I got up and made my way to the lobby wiping away my tears. How could he do this I thought he changed, I gave him a chance. All these questions were spinning in my head as I walked back to the room with the ice. I guess some things never change, I was still his victim and he was still my bully.

When I got in they had already started the movie. I put the ice near the drinks and went and into the bathroom to check if I had any bruises. If Gilinsky saw this Nash wouldn't live to see another day. Thank God no bruises had formed.

I walked out and saw my bully sitting on the couch with the slut in his lap. I went and sat down next to Shai and just went on my phone occasionally looking up at the movie. I started to drift off to sleep but before I did, I decided that tomorrow I would definitely call Dominic.


I followed Sapphire out when she went to go get the ice. I guess no one noticed because no one questioned me, I guess they were all into the movie. When I saw her I slammed her into the wall and punched her in the stomach she tried to speak but I slapped her and told her to shut up, and if she ever told anyone she's dead. I walked back to the room feeling a little bad but then I remembered why I was so mad and that bit of sympathy vanished. I was going to be her bully again and this time worse.

TAYLOR POV (surprise I know I haven't gave him one in a while)

My plan was going to go great, I was so excited about what was about to happen. This is what happens when you cross me. They'll never forget about this, I thought to myself.

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