Chapter 23

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I told you, you would pay, I've got her now, you'll never find her, and if you get the police involved...she dies.

I re read over the note multiple times each time making me cry even harder. She's gone and it's all my fault she was right I was gonna pay and now I am.

I haven't eaten in days I got up just a couple times to take a shower but that's about it. Gilinsky is in bad condition himself I'd say were both in pretty bad condition. Shai's the only one who's been able to hold him down for a while, I really think they're gonna last forever on the looks of it. While I'm here bawling my eyes out while the girl of my dreams is somewhere in harms way.

No one knows instead us because we don't wanna take any chances and have her killed, so no her parents don't know all they think is she's with us.

"You have to eat!" JJ said coming in with a plate of food.

"Why should I eat when Sapphires probably out there starving" I responded.

"Don't worry we'll find her, Be honest would you want Sapphire doing the same if it were you." He said.

"No" I mumbled out.

"So do us a favor, you know what do it for Sapphire and eat, and get a shower while your at it." he said chuckling the last part.

"Ya your right" I said chucking myself. I ate the food then went to shower. When the water hit my body it felt so relieving and for the first time in days I was relaxed. After I was done I decided to just go skateboarding to clear my mind.

As I was skating I ran into the last guy I would of wanted to on the planet, Dominic.

"Get out of my way" I said.

"Why do you have to be so rude, guess it's just in your nature to hurt innocent people isn't it" he snapped at me. I knew exactly he was referring to Sapphire which almost got me to shed a tear.

"You don't even understand" I said through gritted teeth on the verge of breaking down.

"Oh really now, but wasn't she the one who always coming to me telling me all that happened and on the looks of it you fucked her up bad" he responded.

I was about to lash out on him but the thought if Sapphire kept me to do so, after he said that the only thing I could do was break down. I didn't care who was there I was to hurt to care.

"Hey man I'm sorry if I brought something personal up" he said.

I just continued to cry until I finally spoke.

"She's gone" was all I could manage to say.

"What do you mean?" He asked concerned.

I reached into my pocket and gave him the note I didn't care at this point he could be my last help at finding her and I'm not letting that go.

"Don't worry we'll find her if it's the last thing we do" he reached his hand for me to take, after he had read the note. At first I hesitated but then I held on to it, until I was off the ground. Now theres more of a chance at finding her.


I'm awoken by a rattle of a plate that was passed to me through a slot. I scramble to the food and devour everything in a quick instant, along with the water bottle next I it.

After I was done I laid back on the bed grateful for the food. About thirty minutes later a female came in to retrieve my plate. At first I couldn't see her face until she looked up at me, I knew the face from somewhere it's just I couldn't remember where, until I remembered Magcon and she was the girl Cameron picked. What was her name again? Kenny?, No Kennedy? No, oh I remember it was Kenyah!

"Why did you kidnap me?" I blurt out.

"Hah it wasn't me honey I just work for him" she said

"Who's him?" I asked and she tensed at the word him.

"You'll just have to wait and see" she said chocking up at the end.

Who is this mysterious guy I thought to myself and what is he capable of to had made that girl flinch at the mention of him. I was deep into thoughts again until the door opened and revealed the one and only Taylor Caniff.

"W-what do you want" I managed to squeak out.

"You know what I want, and your finally gonna give it to me and no ones gonna stop it" he said.

"Please d- SHUT Up! Before I fuck your brains out harder then I intended to!" He interrupted me by yelling at me.

I stayed quiet and watched as he came closer, he was finally gonna get what he wanted and no one was gonna stop him. He started kissing my neck and groping my boob. I let out a whimper which got a slap from him.

Before he got any further the door was opened once more and I hoped it was Kenyah, but this time it was a man who looked really familiar.

"Taylor get off her, she's mine" the man said.

He immediately got off me following the mans orders, but before he left the room he gave me a look of sympathy or maybe I was just imagining it due to lack of good oxygen.

I couldn't really see the mans face just some features of his body, but I could of sworn they were familliar. Until he came into view and I finally saw who it was.

"Hello baby girl, it's been a while" he said.

I was living my worst nightmare yet, in front of me stood Uncle Joe the man who raped and abused me all those years. Now I knew there was no way I was getting out of this. All I could do now was close my eyes and hope this nightmare would end.

Quote: Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates. -unknown

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