Chapter 27

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I went back to my room to relax when Alexandria came in.

"Hey babe can I talk to you" she asked.

"What do you need?" I asked as nicely as I could but a hint of annoyance behind it.

"I have great news" she said.

"If it doesn't have to do with Sapphire I really don't want to hear it" I said.

"Well your gonna want to hear this!" She said happily.

"Okay what is it?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm pregnant!!!" She said.

"W-what?" I asked shocked.

This has to be a joke, I though to myself this can't be happening first Sapphire now this. You've got to be kidding me.


"What do you mean your pregnant!,
I used protection each time!" I yelled.

"But babe aren't you happy?!, Were gonna start a family just you and I". she said on the verge of tears.

"It's okay, we'll get through it" I said I hate when people cry and I know how pregnant women get hormonal. So I just sat there and consoled her.


I awaited I'm my room for another horrid filled day, but to my luck nothing really happened except when Alexandria came in to insult me and slap me a few times but other than that I had a pretty good day, if that's what u wanna call it.

Kenyah came in today to give me food and checked my almost healed wounds. Before she left, she gave me some painkillers to dose of too. After a while I heard the familiar arguing but this time there was a different voice involved, it sounded like Taylor a little bit, before I could try to make out the muffled tones. The painkillers started to kick in which resulted in me drifting off to sleep.


I woke up with Alexandria cuddled into me. It bothered me but she is the mother of my child as bad as I dont want her to be, I have to live with it.
I was getting up to get a glass of water, but then I heard a beep go off.

At first I thought it was my phone but when I checked to my right on the nightstand it was Alexandrias. At first I was just gonna ignore it but it kept going off so I just glanced at the screen.


Where are you?!?!
I've been waiting all day?!?!
Are you gonna answer!

Who's this guy and why is he spamming her. I ignored it until the spamming kept going.


Hey I'm not gonna keep asking, you need to come now!

Taylor just arrived and we need to discuss further plans about sapphire!!!

Call me immediately!

I stood there shocked, my Sapphire she's alive and she never told me where she was. Then it all hits me. I remember when Alexandria told me if I didn't get together with her she would show sapphire hell at first I thought she was just being jealous but then she said she knows Sapphires uncle. I didn't want to take any chances so I cooperated.(if your confused go back and read chapter 18 it will explain everything).

It all clicks now she knows where she is and she's gonna tell me where! I walked back to where Alexandria was laying down and woke her up, showing her the text messages.

"What is this?!" I yelled.

"What do y-I cut her off before she could still keep going.

"You know where she is and your going to tell me now!" I sad through gritted teeth.

Thanks for reading! Vote, comment and follow please help me get this book to 7k I wanna thank you all who have been with me the whole time. It means alot. Share this book and keep reading loves.

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