Chapter 26

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"Remember how I said he will always be mine?" She said looking down at her nails.

"Y-yeah why?" I asked

"Well now he's definitely mine because.....I'm pregnant!!! She blurt out.

I looked at her in disbelief.

"No" was all I could mange to get out.

"I told you he's mine, so now you'll for for sure leave him alone, doesn't matter anyway because your never getting out of here" she said smirking then with nothing more she left locking the door behind her.

I was in shock I just couldn't hold it in I broke down crying hysterically I didn't care I was just heart broken and flabbergasted. How could I've thought he loved me but he didn't I was just part of his game.

I continued to cry how could he.


I'm starting to think we won't ever find her it kills me everyday to know she's out there she could be hurt, or maybe even de-. I cut myself off before I could even finish my sentence, I can't lose hope I just can't.

"Nothing new is there?" I asked Dominic.

"Sorry but I've tried everything and nothing's come up." he said frustrated.

I let out a sigh knowing that there was nothing really I could do. Jacks been trying his best to hold up, but occasionally I here sobbing coming from his room. I don't know what would happen if Shai wasn't there because she's the only one keeping him stable for a while.

His mom found out about her missing, we tried hiding it from her but she came down to visit and we had to explain everything. She didn't take it very well every time we see her she's either crying or just looks beat up.
Shes staying in the same hotel as us, but the boys and I were all planning on just getting a house or renting and apartment here so we could stay longer to try and find her. We still haven't involved or contacted the police because we don't want anything worse happening to her, we just can't take any chances.


I guess I cried myself to sleep because I woke up with puffy red eyes and feeling like crap. I heard the familiar lock of the door unlock. It was Kenyah with a plate of food and water. She gave me the food and checked my almost healed wounds. She left after that locking the door behind her. I sat in the dark eating my food savoring it as much as I could as it was my last. When I was done HE came in.

"How are you today?" He asked.

At first I didn't want to answer but I knew if I didn't he would punish me even worse.

"I-I've been better" I stutter.

He just let out a chuckle. I saw next to him was a brief case I remember last time he had his brief case I was severely injured. I cringed as he came near me. He put the brief case in front of me and asked me to open it. I hesitated at first which got a slap from him. The stinging sensation made it's way through my face. As I scrambled towards the case not wanting another hit. As soon as I opened it I was relieved but also terrified at the same time. In the case was a pregnancy test.

"You know what to do with it unless you want me to help" he said smirking.

I struggled to get onto my feet as I made my way to the disgusting bathroom on the other side of the room. I did my business and waited for the results. As I was waiting I sat there thinking of all the possibilities if I was pregnant. I couldn't handle knowing what if I'm carrying the child of my rapist. As I waited the anticipation got worse to the point I wanted to rip my hair out.

Finally the fifteen minutes were up I got more and more anxious as I cautiously made my way to the test. My eyes widened when I saw the results.....I wasn't pregnant! A rush of excitement rushed through me. As I walked out I to show HIM the test.

"Looks like I'm doing something right" he said as he looked down at the results.

I was so disgusted at would he had just said. As he walked out the room relief overcame me. I sat down on the lumpy mattress processing how lucky I just was but then of course Alexandria had to walk in.

"I see you just dodged a bullet" she said.

I didn't say anything just looked down at my hands.

"Well don't think just because that happened you'll get Nash, just remember he's mine and I'm the one having his child" she said as she walked out.


I went back to my room to relax when Alexandria came in.

"Hey babe can I talk to you" she asked.

"What do you need?" I asked as nicely as I could but a hint of annoyance behind it.

"I have great news" she said.

"If it doesn't have to do with Sapphire I really don't want to hear it" I said.

"Well your gonna want to hear this!" She said happily.

"Okay what is it?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm pregnant!!!" She said.

"W-what?" I asked shocked.

This has to be a joke, I though to myself this can't be happening first Sapphire now this. You've got to be kidding me.


Quote: Eyes shout what the Lips fear to say. -Unknown.

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