Chapter 24

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🚨*THIS CHAPTER MAY TRIGGER SOME * you have been warned🚨


I couldn't really see the mans face just some features of his body, but I could of sworn they were familliar. Until he came into view and I finally saw who it was.

"Hello baby girl, it's been a while" he said.

I was living my worst nightmare yet, in front of me stood Uncle Joe the man who raped and abused me all those years. Now I knew there was no way I was getting out of this. All I could do now was close my eyes and hope this nightmare would end.

"You can close your eyes all you want, your not getting out of this anytime soon, if that's what you expect. You think your boyfriend and your brother are just gonna burst through the door and save you, well think again." he said mockingly as he set a brief case down that he came in with.

"It was you who sent me all those text wasn't it, why'd you do it ?" I asked.

"I was giving you a heads up, but look where you are now" he said laughing at the last part.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.

"Remember what I said, you told so now your going to pay" he said with an evil grin.

"Your a coward, who preys on young girls aren't you disgusted with yourself you'll never find anyone to love and will neither ever be loved, you'll rot in jail before your on your way to hell, and that's not a threat its a promise" I said confidently.

"Is that all you got honey, keep this up and you'll get it worse then intended" he said as if he wasn't phased at what I had just said.

He started to walk towards me and I didn't dare show any fear. I wish I wasn't wearing these damn shackles so I could defend myself.

"Your gonna enjoy this more then I am" he whispered in my ear.

Before he could continue anything I kicked him in the groin, which caused him to collapse to his knees gasping for air.

"Didn't feel good did it" I said proudly.

He just continued to gasp for air as I watched in amusement of his pain. A couple minutes he finally got up, but stumbling as he did.

"Nice shot but that's wasn't enough to stop me" he said with a grin creeping onto his malicious, vindictive, bitter face.

I awaited for what to come but nothing came. When he was centimeters from my face he spoke.

"I see your speechless now" he said with a smirk.

I didn't say anything just continued to stare into his cold eyes that led to his empty less, black soul.

Instantaneously he started to kiss my neck. It was one of the worst feelings in the world his grimy, cold fingers found it's way up and down my sides.

I didn't cry nor did I whimper I had to show this man he had no effect on me. He then started to grope my boobs.

"I see they've gotten bigger" his twisted evil voice echoed in my ears. I didn't respond but that didn't stop the beast himself to continue what he started.

As he started to unbutton the hem of my jeans that's when I knew there was no way in hell I was getting out of this. The only thing keeping me from breaking down was Nash, even though he treated me like shit he was what kept me alive. I needed him badly and now I wish he was here more than anything.

When he finally slipped down my underwear he put a condom on and slipped in his length. It wasn't a new feeling when he started to thrust but it hurt so much. After a few thrusts I shed a tear and not because of what was happening, but for Nash. He was what was keeping me going and I wasn't going to give up just yet I know he would of wanted me to keep going. When he was finally done he got up and looked me in the eye for a few seconds before he began to speak.

"That was just the beginning, baby girl trust me, and you better behave or it'll get worst and you don't want to find to out about that" he said as he buckled his pants.

I pulled up my pants just as he did and zipped them up making sure to be careful because I was sore.

He came towards me bringing along his briefcase and told me to sit on the lumpy mattress.

"You thought we were done but that was just the beginning" he said smirking.

As he opened his briefcase he took out an operating knife that doctors would use. I thought this man was just crazy but I was wrong he's straight up insane and has a problem.

"W-what" before I could finish my sentence I felt an agonizing pain in my side. I screeched at the excruciating pain making it's way through my body.

" I told you, you'd pay and this is just the start, now when I say to behave you will. Now am I understood?" he said.

Before I could answer another pain shot through my body but this time it was coming from my leg

"Now am I understood?" he asked again.

"Y-yes" I mumbled out for him to hear while I clutched my side and my new wound coming from my leg.

"Good, now I'll be back again tomorrow and you better know what to do next time, because that was only a taste of what was yet to come" with that he left the room leaving me clutching my side and leg for dear life.

After a while Kenyah reappeared again and brought bandages with her. She started to wrap me up and then gave me some pain killers.

"Thank you" I managed to say.

"Don't worry but next time don't upset him he's a very dangerous man if he saw me helping you now, it would be my head" she said.

I didn't say anything just embraced the silence around us.

"I have to go now, before he realizes I'm gone" she said on her way out.

"Wait, does he do this to you too?" I asked.

"No, well I hope not he abducted me the day after you" she said looking down and I could of sworn I saw her shed a tear.

"You like him don't you?" I asked

"Who?" She asked confused.

"Cameron, I saw the way you guys looked at each other there was an attraction there" I said.

She looked down blushing not making eye contact.

"Well I have to go now" she said.

"Okay, and thanks again"I said thanking her once more.

"No problem" she said as she locked the door once more.

I laid back down on the mattress making sure to not hurt myself any worse. I heard yelling coming from the other side and I swore I heard Alexandra's screeching voice, so the slut was in on this the whole time huh, that bitch I swear, it hurt knowing he left me for her .

As I laid down the only thing I thought about was Nash. I wondered if he was looking for me or even thinking about me. I sighed to myself and just continued to daydream. Now I await for another painful day tomorrow . As I drifted of to sleep I let a few tears fall. I hope they find me soon, I thought to myself, really soon....

Quote: Ignore the risk, and take the fall, If it's meant to be, it's worth it all.

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