Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I woke up with someone snuggled into my chest. I looked down and it was Sapphire. She looked so beautiful when she was sleeping. I got up making sure not to wake her and made my way downstairs. Cameron and Jack J were
in the kitchen, this was the perfect time to introduce my idea to them.

"Guys I have something to tell you" I said.

"Ya what is it?" They asked.

"So I was thinking we need to get Sapphire out of here before it gets worse" I said.

They looked at each other at first but then Cameron spoke up.

"That's exactly what we think but Taylor won't allow it, we feel really bad for her dude, Taylor is taking this way too far"he said.

"Then let's all gather a meeting without Taylor and talk about getting her out of here" I said.

"Ya I agree, when should we do it?" Jack J said.

"Tonight when Taylor goes to his shift"

We all agreed and told the guys to come on later tonight. This plan has to work.


I woke up and Nash wasn't there. I got up and went in into the bathroom and took a shower. Afterwards I got out and
put some leggings on and a hoodie. I went downstairs and got some leftover pizza. I heard the guys in the other room talking so I just went back upstairs and turned on the tv and watched some spongebob. A little bit into the show Nash came into my room and told me to come downstairs. I looked at him with scared eyes and he said that he would protect me and that I had nothing to worry about. When we got downstairs the boys were all in a circle waiting for me and that's when Nash spoke up and said "Were gonna get you out of here". I sat down and waited for the meeting to began.


I went upstairs to get Sapphire so we could start our meeting and tell her what we were going to do to get her out of here.

"Ok so here's what I think we could do, my idea is that we can sneak her to
Magcon and then from there we take her home." I said

"But what about my brother?" Sapphire said.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot about Jack being there" I said.

"How about we just say you were surprising him there" Kian said.

"Great idea, so tomorrow is Magcon and this is what were going to do" I said.

"First half of us are going to go in the other limo with Sapphire, Second I'm going to stay in the limo with her until everyone's in the building, Lastly I'll sneak her in and by then Taylor won't be able to do anything because of Jack" I said.

"This is going to work guys, thank God for Magcon tomorrow" Sapphire said happily.

"Ya thanks for Magcon" I said nervously.

"Don't worry this will go great Nash" Sapphire said coming up to me and hugging me, if felt right hugging her.

"Ohhhh Nash get it" the guys said laughing.

"Oh shut up" I said walking upstairs to go to sleep, Sapphire was behind me, she and I weren't a thing but I think we might end up too be I thought. I laid on the bed and she snuggled in to me it felt nice knowing she felt protected. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out and so was she. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.

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