Chapter 8

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I was thrown into the van, ya they sure know how to treat a girl. They all started arguing but I couldn't hear what they were saying finally Nash turned to me and said something.

"Sapphire sorry to do this but-" a hand was then pushed on to my nose it had a cloth in it and the scent it had started to make me drift off. I then blacked out.


We all started arguing about the place we were going to take her and what we were going to do. We're all in this thing called Magcon and in 2 days were going to have to leave so we didn't know who would watch her, we didn't think about it before making our plan. We arrived at a cabin that was in the woods. We took her out of the van and brought her in the cabin. It was actually really nice it had everything a little home would have.


"Wake up" someone yelled. I immediately got up. I looked around and they were all there, my bullies. "Oh Sapphire look what you got yourself into" Taylor said with smirk. "What did I ever do to you guys?, just please let me go" I begged. "Well sorry to break it to you but no" Cameron said. They left the nice room and I just laid on the bed thinking that I might never see my family again. Then it hit me they'll be going to Magon in 2 days. I know this because Jacks apart of it too he mentioned it to me when he came home but I didn't think much of it. Now this could be my chance to escape.


"So what are we suppose to do?" I asked.

"Just let me go in first" Taylor said with a smirk. I knew where this was going and I couldn't let it happen. I suggested we let her rest and tomorrow we would go in and see her. They all agreed, thank God.

Sapphire POV

I got up and looked in the closets there were clothes already in there. I looked at them they were really cute, best part they were all in my size. I found some pajamas and put them on, I then went and snuggled myself into the comfortable bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


Sapphire didn't come home last night. The last time I saw her was when I was heading out and she was going to the mall with Ariel. I had called Ariel telling her to come over.

"Do you happen to know where Sapphire is" I asked.

"What! I thought she came home after the party" she said.

"Nope haven't seen her since" I said a little panicky.

My mom was there and she started crying.

"What if someone took her, or worse what if someone hurt her" my mom said in between sobs.

"Don't worry mom she's a smart girl, she'll be alright" I said comforting her I hope.


In the morning we got up and went in to see her. We walked in and she was already dressed. She was sitting on the bed reading one of the books from the shelf. She jumped when she saw us.

"Well here's how it goes, what we say you do, got it" Taylor said.

She just looked up at him and let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asked getting closer.

"It's just you think your superior than everyone else" she responded with a straight face.

"Well how about you laugh about this" Taylor said and punched her in the stomach. She let out a groan.

"You know what" she said and ran towards Taylor she started punching and kicking him. The rest of the guys ran towards her and pulled her off holding her back.

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