Chapter 20

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I woke up on the couch and realized everyone was still here from last night except Nash and the slut. Thank God or else I would of freaked out. I decided to start cleaning up and half way through JJ got up and volunteered to help me.

"Thanks again for helping me" I said to JJ.

"No probs, it wouldn't be fair to leave you with this whole mess" he responded.

After we were all done, everyone had woken up and were either leaving or on their phones. I went to my bag and got out a black sweatpants and a crop top before I hopped into the shower. After I was done I got dressed and decided I would just leave my hair down. Today just didn't feel good especially what happened last night with Nash.


"Hey Saph can you go down to the lobby and get some ice for the drinks" Gilinsky asked.

"Crap! Sorry I forgot to get some before I came up" I said.

I walked out the room down to the lobby until I'm slammed into the wall and feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look up to see Nash standing right in front me. Why did he just punch me?

"W-Why did- Shut up!" I'm cut of by Nash slapping me hard against my cheek.

"You asked for this Sapphire, and now your going to get it, and if you tell anyone about this your dead" he said whispering the last part, and with that he left.

Flashback over

It really hurt when I thought of last night but I wasn't going to let it get to me. I'm done with all the stuff he put me through. I went to my hoodie and found what I was looking for, Dominic's number was folded in my hoodie pocket. I took out my phone and texted his number.


Hey are you busy? And it's Sapphire by the way, the girl you ran into when you were jogging.


Oh hey! And how could I forget about you. And no I'm not busy how about we meet in my room. I'm room 321 on the 2nd floor.


Ya I'd love too and I'll see you in 20 minutes. Sounds good?


Ya that sounds perfect. See you in a bit.


K bye.

I decided to eat some breakfast before I left so I made myself a bowl of cereal. When I was done I headed out to Dominic's room I really just needed someone to talk to.

On the way there , it was just my luck and I ran into the one and only Nash yay! (Note the sarcasm)

I tried avoiding him by going around him but of course he just had to shove me to go to the ground. I groaned in pain, but before he crouched down next to me to punch me I moved out of his way and he missed.

I got up as quickly as I could and decided he needed a taste of his own medicine so I threw a punch and it hit him straight in the jaw, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. While I had my chance I decide to give him a kick to the groin. I was amazed at what I just did and on the looks of Nash's face you could tell he was too.

"I'm tired of all the shit you put me through and you will pay Nash I promise you that!" I yelled at him through gritted teeth.

I walked away not looking back, but I could still hear the groans coming from Nash. I took the elevator up to the 2nd floor and made my to room 321. At first I was a little hesitant to knock but then a moment later I did. A couple seconds passed and Dominic opened the door he was wearing a tight fitted shirt and some grey sweat pants.

"Hey glad you decided to call, come in" he said.

"Thanks I really needed someone to talk to" I said.

I walked into the room and surprisingly it was really clean.

"Do you want anything to drink? " he asked.

"No I'm fine" I responded.

"So do you want to tell me now why you were so sad?" He asked.

"Ya actually, so where do I start" I said. I told him everything from when Nash and I started dating to when he cheated on me at the movies. I made sure to skip the parts about my Uncle, Nash bullying me, and of course my abduction.

After I was finished talking Dominic looked me straight on the eye and then the unthinkable happened and he kissed me.

"I'm sorry, it's just your too beautiful and unique to had gone through all that" he said.

At first I was taken back but I decided to reconnect out lips back together. Our lips moved in sync while one fought for dominance. I didn't get the sparks I usually got with Nash but there was something else there, guilt.

After our little make out session we pulled apart breathless.

"Thanks for being someone I could talk to" I told him on the verge of tears.

"I'm always here if you need anyone" He told me.

I-it's just- I was cut off by my uncontrollable sobbing. I felt a warm hand on my back then I felt my head rest on something. I looked up and realized I was laying in Dominic's chest, pretty much soaking his shirt but he didn't care.


I got up pretty much limping to my room. I never knew Sapphire was capable of doing that it hurt ALOT but at the same time it was kind of hot. Wait stop yourself Nash don't think like that, you and her are done. I thought to myself. When I got to my room Alexandra wasn't there. Thank God, because I really didn't feel like explaining anything. I got an ice pack from the freezer and placed it on my groin. I felt relief, pain, and most off all guilt all at the same time.

Abducted||NGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ