Chapter 21

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Today was Magcon  and I was really excited for the boys. I got dressed and then went to eat breakfast. Shai was making breakfast so she offered me some, which I gladly excepted.

"So you excited for Magcon?" She asked.

"Tbh ya! even though I'm not even in it, the only reason why people know me is because Gilinsky is my brother." I responded.

"Haha ya I understand where your coming from, being his girlfriend is why people know me but sometimes people take it way to far." she said.

"Hahah agreed!" I said while eating the rest of my delicious breakfast.

I looked down at my phone and saw I had a text from Dominic.

Hey, good morning beautiful do you want to meet later on today.

Ya totally is 1:00pm good?

Ya sounds great!

Okay then I'll see you then, and thanks again for being there for me yeaterday.


Anytime I'll be there whenever you need me.


Thanks again! see you in a bit.

I looked at the time and saw it was already 12:45 I had 15 minutes before we would meet up. I haven't seen any of the guys so they must be rehearsing right now.

I decided to kill sometime by watching Spongebob, man I love this show. Ten minutes in, I got up and made my way to Dominic's room. I took the elevator to the second floor and knocked on 321.
5 seconds later Dominic opened the door again wearing a different tight fitting shirt.

"Hey so what's up" I asked.

"Nothing really, you feeling better though?" He asked.

"Actually ever since we talked yesterday, I really felt better you really know how to help a girl out," I said honestly.

"That's not the only thing I know how to help with" he said with a wink.

"OMG I'm so done right now,did you really just say that!" I said laughing hysterically.

"I'm just saying" he said holding his hands up in surrender.

"So I heard there's Magcon today are you going?" He asked

"Ya I kind of have to for my brother" I replied.

"Oh so what about Nash?" He said.

"I'm hoping to just avoid him" I said.

"Okay that's a good plan for now" he said.

"Ya, and hopefully it works" I said.

"Ya hopefully" he concluded.

It was silent for a couple seconds until I noticed Dominic leaning in, and of course i started to lean. In a matter of seconds our lips moved in sync while the other fought for dominance. We both pulled away but were still close.

"Sapphire I don't know how to say this but I'm really falling for you" he said.

I just stared at him for a couple seconds until I was snapped back to reality.

"Dominic I think that we should just be friends for now" I said looking down.

"Dont worry, I understand that your still hung up on Nash and I'm willing to wait as long as I need to, for you" he said looking straight into my eyes.

"Thanks so much! for understanding you dont even realise" I said on the verge of tears.

" Its cool I'll aways be here whenever you need me, so how about we just stay friends then"he said.

" No,how about best frineds" I said holding out my pinky.

"Best friends it is" he said interlocking our pinkies.

We spent the rest of the time just talking and playing around, then It was time for me to leave becauses Magcon was about to start.

When I got back to my room I changed into a black skater skirt and a white bustier with a cardigan, along with black Vans. I decided on curling my hair and when I was done I'll admit I looked good.

I went backstage to where the boys were suppose to be and saw they were all goofing around. I let out a breath when I didnt see the slut and said hi to everyone making sure to not make eye contact with Nash. We were all talking and laughing and I could feel Nash's eyes burining into the side of my head. When the time came the boys went on stage. I was so proud of them especially of how far they've come. I saw Shai was in the crowd and all you saw was her and Gilinsky drooling all yover eachother. Then some of the boys started calling girls up to the stage.

Shawn picked a gril named Jenni

Matt picked a girl named Nicole

Gilinsky obviously picked Shai

JJ picked this girl named Taylor

Cameron picked a girl named Kenyah

Nash picked of course the slut.

I'll admit that hurt a bit but I brushed it off. The boys started dancing with the girls they picked and joking around with them, but on the looks of it they all looked like they liked these girls. I started laughing when Hayes and Carter had a twerk off, half way through my laughing I felt a hand cover my mouith. I tried screaming but they were muffled. I then felt a rag being put up to my nose I held my breath in but finally I had to give in.

Quote: Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. -Mother Teresa

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