Chapter 23

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The silence was disturbed by a plate breaking.

Everyone's diverted the attention from us to the source, and I thanked Maya for her attention deficit problems for the first time in my life.

"MINE?" She screeched. "What does that even MEAN?"

To my surprise, I was thinking the same thing.

Wow, so she's not  totally brain dead

"Baby, you know what I meant-"

"No, what did you mean?" Tobias interjected, touching his nose that was now dripping in blood.

Hardik looked up from Maya and slowly walked up to Tobias and replied in a very frighteningly calm voice, "Listen, man, this is our personal issue. Stay the FUCK away."

I was shocked, complete utter shock; this was not how I expected the day to start.

My feet were rooted to the ground as I was unable to move or talk. That was until Maria elbowed me in the ribs.

"You got a hot guy who just tried protecting you, took a punch, and you're still standing here??!!?? May I remind you that this is a grave romantic gesture AND you're a doctor sooooo, HELP HIM, YOU IDIOT!" Maria whisper screamed.

This seemed to do the trick, and I quickly ran towards him, but as I got close, I felt someone grab my waist and pulled me into their chest. 

Hardik looked me dead in the eye. "Stay.Away.From.Him."


"What the FUCK? Hardik, what is going on? What are you doing?" Maya screamed

Hardik, still holding me close to his chest, "If she thinks she can get away from me that easily and this, this Toby guy can save her, she's wrong. She's mine to torture. She can't leave me." He pushed me, and I fell to the floor and continued, "baby, you know it's only you. It's always been you, and if Toby can't see how much of an attention-seeking whore Jasmine is, then more of an idiot than he looks. Let me tell you something, buddy, man to man; she hops from dick to dick, so don't get too attached."

Hardik moved to Maya, comforting her, and she molded herself in his arms. "You are the one I want, the one I always wanted," he said and started kissing her up her neck. 

The only sound in the room was of her moaning Hardik's name.

The pain in my heart well surpassed the physical pain of the hot syrup on my clothes.

He did it again. Ruining my reputation is a hobby for him. God forbid anyone from getting close to me.

Tobias looked over at me, but I couldn't meet his eye, embarrassed by the lies thrown around. I could have made a rebuttal, but I know no one would believe me. He's HARDIK PANDYA, and I was just some random doctor.

Tobias finally stood up and spoke, "I'll take my chances. I can't really trust an opinion from a guy who treats women like this, now, can I? You and you're little girlfriend can't stop me from thinking that she is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on."

This seemed to have shaken Hardik more than before. If I hadn't known better, I saw fear flash this eyes, but it was gone as fast as it came.

Why would he be scared? And about what?

Before Hardik could say another word, the coaches broke through the crowd.

"What is going on here?!" Screamed Tobias's Coach. Coach Sharma ( A/N, The coach for India I forgot to give him a name hehe, my bad) pushed Hardik back and started yelling at him, but everything was incoherent. For the second time today, I was in shock about what had happened. I hadn't even realized when Tobias and Maria came to my side to help me up.

"You're still bleeding," I said, looking at Tobias; he laughed, 

"not as much as you love. You fell on the broken pieces of the plate that girl broke"

I hadn't even noticed the blood oozing out. It was a deep cut, and I was going to need stitches.

Hardik looked up at me, alert as soon as he heard Tobias mentioning my cut. I saw a look of guilt in his eyes, but the look quickly washed it away with a smirk.

"Wow, I hate him," Maria said as she applied a bandage around my hand to stop the bleeding before getting my stitches. 

She stole the words right out of my mouth.

"Coach Lawrance (A/N England's coach name) I am so ashamed for this behavior. Hardik's actions cannot justify it; please tell me, is there anything I can do to make this better."

"Well-" Coach Lawrance started but quickly got cut off by Tobias 

"We need a physiotherapist of our own. You see, his wife went into labor, so he had to leave, so we need a physiotherapist. How bout we take Jasmine as our new therapist and call it even."

"She signed a contract-" Coach Sharma started. 

"Yeah, so did everyone in this room, that any physical misconduct will get them kicked out of the team, but I don't see you following that clause in the contract," Coach Lawrance stated.

"And we can definitely treat her better," Tobias added and pulled me closer into his chest.

This would have felt odd to me any other time, but something about him calms me down and makes me feel safe.

"Who do you think you are, telling my coach what to do?" Hardik spoke.

He strode over and pulled me out of Tobias's arms and wrapped his arms around my waist, his nose at the crook of my neck. 

"She is not going anywhere."


Almost a WHOLE year later bitches but Im back hahah

don't hate me 

I'll try to keep posting 



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