Chapter 13

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After giving us the then minutes the team walked out of the room.

I did not miss the mad look Hardik gave me while he was walking out of my room.

Time to get ready I thought dreading the idea of being on the field with Hardik.

"Come on Jas, time to get ready. Stop creating a scene!" Maria said with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Oh, you are SO going to get it!"

We wasted about five of our ten minutes in a pillow fight.

Very productive. I know.


We had two minutes left to be on the field in time and Maria and I were sprinting out of the hotel. The field was on a 10 min walk but it could easily be a 3-minute run if we went through the shortcut.

I did a little searching last night for a shortcut because I knew this was going to happen.

"We are not going to get there in time! Let's get a rickshaw I always wanted to go on one!" Yelled Maria. But I knew better, driving in Mumbai would take an hour even if the destination was 10 minutes away.

"No, we will run. Come on I saw a shortcut on google let's go" and I started jogging, I heard a groan from Maria in the back and I laughed but kept going.

With my track experience, I was well ahead of Maria but every now and then I would have to run back to her because either she was lost or stopping trying to buy ice cream from the street vendors.

I swear this girl was crazy.

Because of her constant stop of trying to buy ice cream, getting lost, and taking pictures of the city we reached the field about 10 minutes later than we were supposed to arrive.

I ran down the stairs rushing to get on the field but stopped immediately after seeing the coach talking to the teammates in a huddle five feet away from me. The entrance of the field was blocked due to the huddle but I saw another door that led to the field so I made a plan.

You can do this Jas. All you have to do is go through the other door out the field and sit down so it looks like you were here the whole time.

But when have my plans ever worked out since I got to India.

I slowly moved back from the huddle and tried to make my way to the other door without being noticed.

I heard Maria coming down the stairs, so I turned around to tell her the plan but when I turned around I saw Maria sprinting.

My eyes grew wide.

"MOOVEE" Maria screamed.

It was like in the movies. Everything was in slow motion, Maria was sprinting so fast that she could not stop when she saw me. I saw her crashing into me, causing both of us to fall down.

Everyone in the huddle looked down at us. I saw Virat holding back his laugh a cute smile from Jasprit and a very annoyed look from Hardik.

"Ladies, it's nice of you guys to finally join us today," the coach said, "I see your way of making an entrance has remained the same from the last time we met, is this how you enter everywhere?"

"Most of the time yes. OMG Jassy remember that time-"

I elbowed her making her shut up

"We are sorry coach we were late and-"

"Lateness is something I do not tolerate. Not for the players, and especially not from you guys. From tomorrow I want you both here 30 earlier than the rest of the team."

"Yes, sir. We really are sorry."

"Coach, I still think the Russian will be better than these two. They obviously cannot take this seriously."

"Remind me when I asked your opinion, Hardik? I told you guys in the room and I will tell you again, these girls will be respected, and if they are not you will run more laps than you already have."

He grew silent.

I gave a thankful smile to the Coach.

"What happened anyway? the field is not that far from the hotel"

"Maria happened" I whispered hoping no one will here me.

"Excuse me? What was that? ME? You were the one who attacked me with a pillow for five minutes after they left. This is your fault."

"MINE?! We would have gotten here on time if you didn't waste time trying to buy ice cream every time you saw an icecream vendor!"

"Well it's not my fault, it's not like this in LA! AND you know how much I like ice cream!"



That got us to shut up.

"If it's okay with you, can we please begin practice."

"Sorry," we both said in unison.

"Good, now I want everyone to take ten rounds of the field, and then the stretching will be conducted by you two" he clapped his hands a signal for them to start running.

Maria and I hung out with the coach looking at the men starting their warm-up.

"What are you two still doing here? I said, everyone"

"Whaat" Maria said in complete utter shock

"This is your punishment for coming late"

"But coahhhh I already ran here this is too much" she wined.

"This will teach you the importance of time, not ten laps both of you"

"But we are slow. We won't be able to finish in time" she continued hoping to get a few lap deductions.

"Want to make it fifteen?"

"Ten is fine, ten is perfect actually" Maria spoke quickly.

She grabbed my hand and we made our way around the field.

As we were leaving I head the coach laugh.



Soooo sorry for the reallly late update. I had so much to do this month I promise I will try to update faster.

Also, super boring chapter next chapter will be soooooo much better ;))

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