Chapter 19

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I SORRY!! i didnt mean to make you guys wait this long, took a summer class and now thats literally all I do all day so sooo soo soooo sorry but hope you enjoy :)

also ps I didnt edit so sorry for the mistakes!!

pps i love when I read comments so do give me a comment and dont forget to vote my pretty people !!


I stood there confused.

Why did he care?

"what are you doing here?" i asked, it was barely louder than a whisper.

"I asked you a QUESTION!" He shouted.

I shivered due to the unexpected rage he directed at her.

Before I could answer he looked at my appearance, wearing big baggy sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt.

"are those... are those a MANS clothes?"

if you thought he was angry before, you should see him now.

His eyes practically almost turned black.

I bought men clothes back at the store because for some reason men have more comfortable clothes AND they are cheaper too. Unbelievable, there needs to be a company that opens up a clothing line that just sells comfortable and cheap clothes. Like shit not all girls want to look like a million bucks every single day!!

(A/N sorry for the rage quit but its true i have to steal my bothers or my dads clothes because guys sweatshirts are more comfy!)

"none of your business." I owed him no explanation, I mean who was he to come to my room after everything that happened tonight  "Im sure Maya wouldnt like it if she found out you were here. Shes probably waiting for you." i opened the door for him signaling to him that I wanted him to leave me alone.

He walked up to me and shut the door.

"Very typical of you, rejected so you find someone else to please you"

do you ever just feel so defeated that you have no strength of fighting back? thats what I was feeling, i had no energy not physically nor mentally to fight with him. I literally ran form my country, my family, my friends, my LIFE so I could start over. I wanted a fresh start, the world is small so I feared that if I stayed i would some how find people who knew about whatever Hardik did and said to me, and that was something I didnt want. So I did what I thought was right. I ran. Ran towards my dreams, and never turned back and I finally got somewhere I wanted to be, i was finally happy. A word that barely had any mean to anymore. But of course, it was always Hardik's habit to make my life hell after the situation, so out of habit he did what he knew best-humiliate me.  I loved being with people who knew nothing about my past, because who would people believe me, or the great and famous hardik pandya.

I smiled, a sad smile.

"i hope youre happy" at least one of us should be.

He looked confused, as if he was expecting a fight back, if I didnt know any better I would have thought that he was some what concerned about that fact that I hadnt fought back.

"this good girl attitude wont work anymore Jas, this isnt college" he spat "I always knew you were a slut and you stay proving yourself today"

I just looked at him with a smile, if i wasnt so hurt i would almost be amused at the fact that he was pissed that I wasnt pissed.

"have you no shame that you wont even deny the fact that whatever i am saying is true?!"

"remember in college, when you told me you would make my life hell and i yelled back give it your best shot because I wouldnt break so easily?" i threw my head back and laughed a humorless laugh 

when I looked at him I thought he looked concerned but i soon snapped out of if, its just the alcohol jas he would never be concerned

he nodded his head

" well congratulations Mr.Hardik Pandya, you broke me"  I laughed again with a single tear drop rolling down my cheek. "you fucking broke me, and what didnt I do" I genuninley thought i was crazy at this point because I found this, the fact that he broke me amusing . "WHAT DIDNT I DO? I left you alone in college, but that was a problem to you. I ran to America and I was happy, I WAS HAPPY ? DO you know how long... how log it took me to finally be happy? YEARS! it took fucking years." I was full on in tears at this point. My eyes were puffy and my nose was stuffed.

"and today hardik, today you brought everything back to me, all those college moments, all the things you said to me, every tear that i shredded because of you. EVERYTHING! you took every single ounce of happiness out of me" i wiped my tears with the palms of my hands "So, i really hope youre happy, because this is what you wanted. So really congrats Mr.Pandya, you fucking won"

I looked at him and there was an unreadable expression on his face, but of course he didnt say anything. 

He opened the door and left.

He left, something I wanted him to do the minute I saw him in my room, but now with him gone, without a word I felt the last piece of my heart break.

How could he just leave without saying anything?

What did you expect Jas, he is not what he showed you in those few moments of friendship and that was reality. 

He left you then. 

He left you now. 

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