Chapter 3

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Dr.Smith's house was a mansion. The driveway itself was probably a mile long.  They lived right near all the celebrities. The Smith's lived in the most expensive neighboorhood in all of Los Angles, Beverly Hills. 

Both of us ran into the house to take a shower. We both finished and ran to the car and drove to work.

We walked in to see Dr.Smith sitting at my desk. 

"Jasmine, I wanted to talk to you about something" I nodded my head and walked over. "I talked to the cricket coach, and he wants me to be his team's physiotherapist, but I am not available any time this year so I told him no. But when he asked me if I could send or refer someone to work with them. And I mentioned you."

"Wait whaaaat"

"I told them that if I was to recommend anyone it would be you"

"Why didn't you recommend Dr.Sharma, she lives in India too."

"They already called her and she was busy too. Listen this will be great for your career. Think about it, you will finally get that big break. You will be known. All your hard work will finally pay off. On top of that, you can finally meet your family." 

It was true, I this could be huge for my career and I could meet my parents, but was I ready to be all on my own? 

"What if I need help? What if I forget what to do? What if-"

"That's why I am not sending you alone. You will have your own assistant."



"WHAT?!" Maria I and I yelled a the same time

"That's sooo cool! I always wanted to go to India! OMG OMG!"

"You are going there to learn, not for vacation," Dr.Smith said with a stern voice. "Take the opportunity, Jasmine. There is so much out there, so many possibilities, and it's not every day where India's National cricket team calls for you"

"Take it Jas! Imagine how much fun it will be! Just the two of us, no parents, a place to our selves!"

"Fine. I'll go to India."


That night, in my apartment, I looked up the players of the cricket team. Some faces I had seen, and some were new. However, there was this one face I never expected to see in the lineup.

He made the team? He really did it? I smiled. 

It sucks knowing I'm going to have to see him again.

Stop Jasmine, remember what he did to you.

But deep down inside I was happy that I was going to see him again.

He was another reason why I was always reluctant to go back home.

Hardik Pandya 

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