Chapter 6

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You know when you are dying for a certain day to come all the days in between are so dreadfully slow, but then when you don't want a certain day to come by then all the days in between go by so fast. 

Welll that's how I felt like. The most dreadful day arrived, and I had to go back and meet Hardik all over again and pretend as if nothing happened.


"Hey, babe" my best friend Maya greeted Hardik. When he didn't respond she tried again. This time he looked up.

"Sorry do I know you?"

"Hardik... we were together last night? You wanted me to be your girlfriend ?" Maya looked beyond confused and really hurt

"Ohhh yeah so sorry about that Misha but I don't think it will work and-"



"My name is Maya"

"Right... sorry Maya" he shrugged his shoulders and continued laughing and talking to his friends.

That afternoon she came to my dorm and cried about everything that he said and did. I obviously was furious.

I went to where he usually hung out with his friends to give him a piece of my mind.

I spotted him and his friends were sitting on the grass talking having a good time like nothing ever happened.

This made me livid.

I walked right in the middle of the circle bent down and slapped that ass right in the face. The loud circle once filled with laughter and talks become dead quiet.

"Next time don't mess with my friends" and with that, I made my dramatic exit.

I felt proud that I stuck up for my friend and one-upped that idiot but it didn't last for long.

He came up and grabbed my arm and pulled me back into his chest.

"Who do you think you are?!" Anger clearly seen in his eyes.

"You had no right to play with my best friends feelings! She gave everything to you! You disgust me." I tried wiggling out of his grip but he was too strong.

"You see babe-"

"Don't call me that" he smirked

"You see BABE" this time he added more emphasis on babe "I can do whatever I want. She knew how I am in fact every girl in with knows that but they all end up thinking I'll fall in love with them but it just doesn't happen. I don't blame them though, I can get a girl to fall for me any day."

"MY friend didn't deserve that and for your information, not every girl will fall for your stupid cheap act."

"Your friend was dumb enough to come back and think of talking to me. And I CAN make any girl fall for me... even you babe."

"Me" I laughed "after knowing how you are and what you did to my best friend, never."



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