Chapter 12

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a/n: Hi! really sorry for the late update, just a lot of things came up and I was super busy. A quick shout out to Loveleen1906--- Thanks for all the support :)

Happy reading!


"Wake up Jas," someone said as they shook me trying to wake me up

"Wake up dude" they tried again only making me pull tighter on my blanket.

"Last time, wake up or else... or else... or else I'm dumping all of this water on you" Making a grunting noise I switched positions from sleeping on my right side to left.

"You asked for it"

All of the sudden cold water came splashing at my face.

"AHHHHHHHH!" my high pitched scream could probably be heard all the way, Los Angles.

I looked up to see who was going to be the next victim of my beatings.


I squinted my eyes, my body language told her that I was about to fight her. I saw her eyes widen in fear.

"You're so dead" I whispered as I jumped out of bed.

"AHHHHHHHH" it was her time to scream now.

I jumped on her trying to tackle her using all my body weight but I was too weak so I just ended up jumping on her back piggy-back style. 

I was furious. No one deserves to be woken up like that, especially if they were having dreams about food.

Maria was running around the room screaming while carrying me on her back as I was messing up her hair and yelling at her.

All of a sudden the door bursts open.

We stop.

He stops.

They stare.

The whole cricket team was witnessing Maria getting assaulted by a very drenched me.

The person who kicked the door open was none other than Hardik himself.

He looked mad. 

Actually not mad, furious.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?! We thought something happened? Are you crazy? Why were you guys screaming?" he was shouting. 

Everyone was silent.

I was about to speak up when Maria started.

"Well, you see, what had happened was" I gave myself a mental facepalm knowing that this wouldn't end well. "I went to wake up Jassy here" I gave her a kick because she knew I hated that name but still decides to call me it every now and then "but she wouldn't wake up. So I decided to pour some water on her. Now none of you know Jassy as I do so you wouldn't know-"

"She loves her sleep more than anything and if you wake her up she gets extremely violent. How did you think that throwing water on her will end well for you?"

I looked up and my eyes met his.


I stood up in my beautiful maroon lehenga (A/N Indian dress) and looked down at the love of my life, Hrithik.

He looked at me and smiled.

He stood up next to me and whispered in my ears, "Are you ready to become Jasmine Roshan?" I blushed.

My soon to be husband was none other than THE Hrithik Roshan.

 We were about to walk our last round around the flames to finish our wedding rituals when I heard someone in the crowd yell my name.


"Jasmine" They called again. It was Hardik. He realized he was just in time to break my wedding and ran towards me and continued shouting my name.


 My eyes shot open and I gasped. Fear consumed me. I tried to get out of bed but I ended up falling on the floor instead.

Laughter filled the room

"What the hell!? I thought something bad happened"

He continued laughing, almost on the verge of tears.

"you" I slowly said pointing my finger at none other than Hardik.

"What? It's Holi (A/N an Indian festival where they play with powdered color and water) and everyone on campus is playing so I thought I should wake you up"


This only got more laughs out of him.

"You want to play Holi huh?"

He slowly stood up, "Jas, no Jas. I have practice in 30 min. Coach is going to yell at me."

I started untangling myself from the blanket on the floor and Hardik took this time to run out of my room.

I chased him out of the room outside on the field where everyone was playing. There was powdered color in a bag and a water gun on a table.

 I ripped the bag open and continued chasing him. 

I was one of the top runners in the school, so I caught up with him pretty quickly and dumped all of the powdered color in his face.

"THAT is for waking me up"

I then sprayed him with water causing all the color to drip from his face to his clothes

"and THAT is for ruining my almost marrage"

"oh you are so dead" he shouted.

He grabbed my wrist and brought me closer to his chest, our noses almost touching. His hand came close to my face to put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

My heart was beating loud and fast.

The next thing he did didn't register until it was over.

The jerk threw color all over my face.

"OH MY GOD!! Where did you even get the color from?!"

He shrugged "I picked some up on the way to your room"

"Well, I guess you can't go to practice now" so I grabbed my water gun and sprayed the rest of the water on him and ran.

He chased after me and the rest of the day we played Holi together.


Everyone stared at him confused.

He laughed a little nervously knowing he had been caught "ha ha ha I mean by the looks of it I kinda just connected the dots"

Everyone nodded their heads and looked back at Maria and me.

"Exactly! So she got really mad and started attacking me."

"Be careful next time, we thought something happened. I want all of you guys on the field in ten. That includes you two" Virat pointed at Mari and me.

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