Chapter 9

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I hate planes.

The food.

The tight spaces.

The Maria snoring RIGHT next to me.

I couldn't sleep. Besides the fact that Maria was really loud, the anxiety of going back to India kept me wide awake.

16 long hours later we landed in the Indra Gandhi International Airport in Delhi.

Maria and I walked out with our suitcases. If you never watched any movie where two badass friends enter a new country, it kinda goes like this: the two sliding doors open, the wind blows back their hair and all the boys stop what they are doing to look at them. Well this is exactly NOT what was happening.

Maria's hair was dry, puffy, and everywhere. We both smelt bad and my teeth felt weird because I didn't brush on the flight.

One thing that did happen though was a lot of boys were staring at us. It's a thing in India, you could be dirty, smelly, and filthy but boys will still stare.

We exited the airport and I saw my whole family waiting for me. Before I went to the team I wanted to meet my family because Maria and I will have to stay in a hotel next to where the team will practice and won't be able to come back to my house.

We stayed at my place for a week. God how much I missed my family. Maria, on the other hand, was not used to the heat, the bathroom situations, mosquitoes, and the lizards.

"This is not what I saw on Pinterest" was the first thing she said to me on her first encounter with a lizard.

A week. A week was all I got with my family before I had to leave. Before I had to see him again.

Of course, the time flew by and today I had to go to Mumbai with Maria.


When we reached Mumbai the first thing we did was find our hotel and let me tell you... these hotels were something both of us combined could never afford.

The hotel had high ceilings and a gold and silver theme. This is the type of hotel where famous celebrities went to.

When we checked in we were told our room numbers, Maria happened to be right next door to me thankfully, and that we had to check in with the team's coach, Mr.Ravi Shastri, ASAP.

We dragged our luggage to the elevators.

"Man we look so out of place here. I totally didn't bring the right clothes to be in this place" Maria sighed

I laughed "don't worry we'll go shopping tomorrow"

We entered the elevator and it's was breathtaking the designs were similar As the hotel and it was bigger than my room in America.

As the elevator started to close a hand to push the door open again. They were a couple of guys who I recognized as some of the cricket team players. Virat, Rohit, Jasprit, and K.L waked in standing on their side of the elevator. I said that the elevator was big but now there was barely space for me and Maria. That's how much space they took up.

K.L was looking in our direction basically just at Maria which I found hilarious because she acted as if she didn't even notice him. When I looked up again I saw Jasprit looking at me. I blushed and looked at the floor.

Maria inched closer to me and whispered, " who is that guy with the beard all the way in the corner"

"Virat Kohli"


"One of the most famous cricketers" uncultured people.

"He's hot I like!!"

"He's married"

"What" she sounded sad "how do you know"

"Maybe because I follow cricket and I know he's married or it could just be the ring on his ring finger"

"But it doesn't have to mean anything. I mean like these celebrities aren't loyal I could still try" she wasn't whispering anymore everyone in the lift could hear her and everyone looked up.

Typical Maria.

"Nice way to make a first impression! Idiot." I whisper screamed. 

"Hahaha, she's funny haha" I tried to make this less awkward but that didn't work out quite well so I just elbowed Maria to shut up.

We were now on the third floor when the door opened.  Maria and I's rooms were on the 10th floor. 

Everyone made space for the person getting on. When that door slid open the whole elevator started screaming.

He walked in hugging and high-five-ing all of his teammates.

Maria elbows me "isn't he-"

"Not another word" I whisper back

He looks over at me. Our eyes met. He stares at me like a predator stares at its prey.

He recognizes you WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO

Out of the spaces, he could stand he stood right next to me pushing K.L out of the way.

Towering over and looking down on me was none other than Hardik Pandya itself.

Of course with my luck, this is EXACTLY what happens.

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