Chapter 20

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Thank god for the weekend. My head was THROBBING 

I groaned when the sun light hit my face unexpectedly.

"Wake up." Maria said, not in her usual chirpy way, it was more stern, more authoritative, and honestly it scared me a little.

I opened my eyes to see her crossing her arms with one eyebrow up. 

I knew she was looking for an explanation, but I wanted to push it off for as long as possible.

"Heyyyyyy how are you?" 


"Beautiful day huh?"

All I got was a sigh 

"Sooo I have  a KILLER headache, I'm going to get some breakfast so I can have some medicine ok? Ok byeeee" and I sprinted out of the bed out the door.

"HEY not so fast! You have A LOT to explain missy" Maria yelled and chased after me.

Marian on my heals

"How can you run this fast all of a sudden?" I asked while running 

"I can run fast, I just choose not to, it ruins my makeup now will you stop?"

"NEVERRRR" and I sprinted to the dining hall leaving Maria behind

"HEYYY I SAID I COULD RUN FAST BUT IM NOT A FUCKING HORSE SLOW DOWN!!" I could hear Maria yell behind me and I laugh.

People like Arjun and Hardik might leave but Maria would never.

As I got closer to the dining hall I reduced my speed... I didnt want people to see me running in that would be awkward.

Before I knew it, I felt something ram into my back causing me to fall and felt a huge weight on my back.

Turns out that Maria didnt get the slow down memo.

I was eating the floor while Maria was laying on top of me.

"Will you get off of me!"

"Not until you tell me what the hell that was last night!" Maria fought back

I was about to respond when a pair of shiny blue shoes stopped at my eye level.

"Ms.Singh, Ms.Smith I see that this is becoming a common trend isnt it."

"Oh shit" Maria and I both said at the same time.

Maria scrabbled off me and I hurried of the ground soon after.

"Coach sir, you see what had had happened was-"

Her start to a very bad explanation was interrupted by Coach's laugh, " Ms.Smith, you never fail to amuse me." He looked at our appearance and his mood soon became sour.

Our hair was a mess, Maria was wearing a Mickey Mouse onesie and I was wearing the shirt Arjun gave me in America and booty shorts.

What, dont look at me like that! Just because hes an ass doesnt mean I cant wear his clothes... there comfortable!!!

"Ms.Singh and Ms.Smith, if you recall, today is our breakfast with all the teams and their families. If this was a normal breakfast with out own team, I would never comment but you are not only representing our country you are representing Mr.Smith, so please dress to the occasion." 

I lowered my head in shame, its not like he said anything wrong. I cannot believe I forgot, with everything that happened the other night, gosh im such an idiot!

"I didnt say it you did, but I do have to agree with you" The coach said with a laugh. "Now normally I would recommend you two to go change but you came to breakfast late so just stay and eat before the food is taken away" He said as he started waking away but he stopped and turned around "and remember ladies this whole day we will spend with other teams, so please dress accordingly" He laughs and walks away.

As soon as he was gone everyone stopped what they were doing to look at us. Some with disgusted looks, others confused, a few were amused, many lustful looks, but one with full rage.

And I thought running into the dinning hall would be awkward.  

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