Chapter 18

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"What is happening?" Arjun yelled

"I -I-" I didn't want to admit it but even after all these years, the unresolved problems between me and Maya,  the pain of losing your best friend, the pain of losing every ounce of happiness in your life by being surrounded by people who hate you hurts. Hurts like a bitch. And after seeing both of them together like this reminded me of everything, everything I kept locked up for years.

"Shes off being a slut again sweetheart. Nothing new. Hardik is right, you better leave now before she uses you and leaves you too" Maya replies.

All the team members had gathered around at this point too.



"You know what? GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!" Maria was shaking. She was livid. 


He looked at her "You are supporting her, after all this? AFTER EVERYTHING THEY SAID ABOUT HER?!"

"Unlike you, you disgusting pig, I believe in my friend here. Jasmine here" she turns to me "is my BEST FUCKING FRIEND. So if you will. LEAVE HER ALONE"

Hardik just smirked and stared at me "What a loser, always has been, always will be. Go get a life man"

"Whatever. I'm leaving. You were definitely not who I thought you were gonna be" Arjun said as he bumped into my shoulder causing me to fall down for another time and walked out of the club.

"Why'd you stop the music? Shows over! Turn that shit up"

The music started playing, Maya and Hardik started dancing together but Hardik's eyes never left mine. 

Maria tried to talk to me, but I told her I wanted some space.

The crowd started dancing again like nothing happened.

All of a sudden I was surrounded by bodies random people that I didnt know that didnt care that I was even there.

I wanted out. I wanted to be anywhere else but here. I slowly started backing away. I didnt even know when slowly backing out became out right running.

The dress was getting uncomfortable so I called an uber to go to a mall to buy a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirts.

I used to go shopping to this one mall all the time during university. It was the one mall that was open 24/7. 

Once I bought what I needed and got out of that stupid dress I went to my spot I used to go to all the time.

No one knew about it.

No one besides me and him.


"Where are you going" 

I didnt respond.

"Where are you going??" 

I kept walking. It was another hard day in my lecture and I just wanted to be left alone just me and my thoughts.


He grabbed my hand and spun me around.

"Where the hell do you think you are going at this hour?!"

"No where dude leave me alone. Just because we are friends doesnt mean you control my life or that I have to tell you everything. I dont so leave me alone man." I yell.

Unexpected Turn of EventsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon