"There is no forgiveness"

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I woke up disoriented and feeling slightly sore, but in the most delicious way. It took a second for it to register that I was alone in bed but I was still surrounded by the scent of my mate. I sat up and groaned, stretching my muscles and getting my bearings around me. As I stare blankly at the wall ahead of me, the door to the bathroom opens and out walks my mate, freshly showered and in nothing but a towel.
"You left me," I accused with a pout. He saunters to me and bends over me to capture my lips in a heated kiss. I've long since realized that he had no care for my morning breath and I found it quite disgusting.
"You were sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to disturb you."
He straightens out and just looks at me with such a feel concentration.
"What are we doing today?" I ask as stare after him.
"I need to get some meeting out of the way from last night and greet the families of the soldiers lost last night."
The reality of the situation washes over me and I instantly become somber. I can't believe some were lost to the madness last night. I will forever be thankful that those men fought along side my mate and were so valiant in the battle.
"How many did we lose?" I ask with a quiet voice.
"Three. And that's three too many. Whoever did this will pay. Not only because of the fatalities but because of someone daring to even try to touch you. I'm going to get to the bottom of this and find out who initiated it. I'll be doing meetings but I'm on edge. I need you here safe and protected," he finished as he looked at me.
"I don't feel easy about this either. I'm scared to be anywhere without you," I tell him honestly.
"Mate, you're always safe and I will always see to that."
"I know you will but I'm also scared of losing you," I tell him with raw vulnerability.
"Jayde, as long as you're here I'll fight with everything in me to make sure I come home to you." With that he leans over me again and scents me. His head is in the crook of my neck and I feel his breath on me as he licks my mark.
"I want to pay my respect to the pack mate's family members, and apologize to them."
"This was not your fault. They did not die in vain and we will not let their suffering be for nothing. The women of the pack will be more at ease to see you so we will have to show up sometime but I'd rather lock you up here than let you out," he said honestly.
"I can't stay here forever. What about the house?" I asked.
"We aren't going back there. The compound has been compromised. I'm moving us somewhere new in a little bit. For now we stay here. I trust no one but my parents with you."
"So what do you want me to do while you do all that?" I ask, finally getting up and sauntering into then bathroom.
"I want you to relax and plan a ceremony to honor our soldiers. I want less visibility for you right now. I know this is driving you crazy but I need this," he stands behind me and slips his arm around my waist as he pulls me back to him. I stare at him through the mirror, reading his eyes and I nod. I know he isn't scared but he is concerned and if this is what it took for him to have peace of mind then I would oblige.
Just as he stares me in my eyes through the mirror, he sweeps my hair to the side and brushes his lips on my mating mark, all while slipping his hand over my stomach.
"In my arms I hold my life. To me there is nothing without you. Someone tried to take you away. For that there is no forgiveness."
"Promise me you'll take care of yourself. The way you feel about me is how I feel about you," I stress.
"I love you. You have nothing to worry about. Now stay here and call the pack house and arrange what you have to. I'll do checks and meet with the warriors. I'll get you when it's time, my love. I won't be far."

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