"To go where?"

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I fucked up. I knew I did. I know Jayde is mad as shit but I just didn't want to enrage her further. I had to go and find information and sadly it led me to a pack of rogues, one of which a female made herself too comfortable around me. It was overstepping her bounds and frankly disgusting not to mention the fact that the female had on cloying perfume that clearly did not wash off with vigorous scrubbing in the shower. It was my mistake in thinking I'd get any information out of her and letting her get that close. I mean she was dead now but my reasoning still was flawed. I was so blinded in finding who was after us that I let myself get blinded and it caused my mate distress. Not only that but we had finally found the group responsible for the attack and that's why I was called away as soon as I was about to explain to Jayde what happened. I only hoped she would cool off enough to let me explain once I got back, which would be as soon as possible. I got the backyard and took my clothes off, shifting and teleporting to where my men were already caging in the enemies. As soon as I got there I noticed that a group of about 40 wolves were surrounded by my men and they were all ready for a battle.
"Who leads you?" I demanded as soon as I arrived at the clearing.
"I do. My men almost got you and they should have. They should have killed all of you especially your pathetic mate," he boasted. He was a large wolf, not larger than mine but he would be fun to toy around with before I killed him for what he attempted. With that thought I charged ahead and fought him. It took all of five minutes to rip him apart and my men and I worked methodically and quickly to eliminate the rogue pack. Not one was left and thankfully there were no children involved so it was a clean elimination. Since I had so much lent up energy I ran with my pack back to my parent's estate, which took 20 minutes.
When I got to the estate it was all quiet which was unusual because I know all the grands were here. I head back to my bedroom that I shared with Jayde and see she isn't there. By now I'm starting to panic. I go back downstairs to the common area to find the staff there working and acting normally.
"Have you see where everyone is?" I ask.
"They all left a while ago Alpha," someone replied.
"Left? To go where?" I thunder.
"We were not informed sir," the same person replied again. At this point I'm pissed and I pick up my phone and dial Jayde. Of course she doesn't answer and I grow more irritated and angered. I move on and dial my parents next.
"Hey son," my mom answers on a chipper note.
"Where are all of you and where is Jayde?" I clip.
"Jayde is right here. She doesn't want to speak with you," my mom informs me. I hear a crack and don't realize that I've broken the phone.
"Give me your phone," I say to no one and a phone appears.
I dial Jayde again and she answers this time since it isn't my number.
"Hello," she answers.
"Tell me where the fuck you are right now. I'll hunt you down and you know I'll find you. Don't test my patience Jayde," I snap.
"First of all don't speak to me like that and second of all I don't care. Go cozy up with the woman you smelled like this morning." She snaps and then hangs up on me. I know I can find out where they are in an hour and the more I wait, the more angered I am at being separated from my mate. My beast is also stirring, being uneasy from being away from Jayde and our growing pup. The threat has been eliminated and my parents and grands are with her so I know she's safe but I want her in my presence. With that on my mind I dial up grands on dad's side and wait.
"What's up dipshit. Heard you want to know where we are," she greets casually.
"Grands if you tell me I'll let you hold our pup first after Jayde and me when she gives birth." I cut right to the chase and I know I've got her.
"Scotland, but one of the new places," she states and I hear Jayde in the background yell no.
A devilish smirk  appears on my face as I know this will only take a few minutes to find my mate. Her ass is mine and she better be ready.

AN: I'm wrapping the story up guys. Or I'm trying to. Enjoy. (:

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