Hey there

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I woke up to the bright morning light filtrating the sheer curtains. I sat up and checked the bedside table. It was an hour before I had to get to school and I smiled, remembering where I was. I got up and headed straight for the shower, then changed into a white tee, a leather jacket, ripped jeans, and studded combat boots. My hair which was still partially wet was carelessly thrown into a bun on top of my head. I then grabbed a studded Balenciaga City bag and jogged downstairs. Trey was in sweatpants and his hair was damp, signaling his recent shower. In his mouth was toast and he smiled when he saw me. I smiled and my eyes trailed to his impressive lean abdomen.

"Good morning," I greeted.

"Morning. Help yourself to anything in the fridge," he said and grabbed a orange carton out of the fridge. Like a typical man, he took a gulp straight from the carton.

"You're such a guy," I muttered and he gave me a wide grin before offering it to me. I smiled and took it, drinking like he just did.

"How was your night?" I asked.

"Terrible," he answered. Upon seeing my bewildered face, he explained. "You were a bedroom away and I couldn't even lay beside you," he pouted.

"You could have knocked," I defended with a grin.

"I'll definitely be doing so tonight," he responded seriously, making me laugh.

"What makes you think I'm staying here tonight," I asked with a raised brow.

"Because I kindly asked. And my parents invited us to dinner tonight," he added casually.

"And when were you going to tell me about this?" I asked with a smile.

"When we were heading to school?"

"You are so not getting off the hook mister."

"Fine with me as long as you come," he said and stalked towards me, stopping right in front of my face. "Will you?" he asked while staring me down with lazy predatory eyes.

"I guess. And that's if you promise to bring me to a frozen yogurt place after."

"Done." I laughed at his hasty reply. He still hadn't moved and when his head bent down, I knew what his intentions were.

Moments later when we broke apart I kept staring at him while he at me.

"Don't do that," I said and gently pushed him. He did not budge even an inch. He smirked and bent to gently place a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm going to dress quickly and we can go," he said and backed away.

I stood there smiling and grabbed a piece of strawberry. He came back down minutes later looking like he'd just stepped out of a men's magazine. He had black jeans that fitted him just right, a black t shirt under his black leather. We matched, I noticed and broke into a grin.

"We match," I said and got up from the stool, grabbing my bag from the counter.

"I know," he answered and wrapped me up in his arms.

"We are so going to be late," I murmured on his chest but made no move to release him.

"I know that too, but I could care less if we do," he answered.

"Come on we have to go," I urged, still not moving.

He chuckled and all of a sudden I was being scooped up into his arms.

"Really?" I asked with a laugh. He didn't answer but just kept on walking as if I weighed nothing.

"Hold on to me," he instructed.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it," he replied kindly so I did. He stopped and his arm that was supporting my back left momentarily but then came back as quickly. I heard what sounded like a car alarm go off. Quickly after that he set me down and I looked around the spacious garage. There was probably an estimate of twenty cars there, all but the Maserati having a cover on it. I walked towards the Maserati and pulled the handle, thinking it was the car that he unlocked.

"It's not open," I said as I faced him, waiting for him to open it.

"I know."

"Open it."



"Because," he replied as way of answer.

"Trey," I started and I saw him grin as he headed towards me.

"We're taking another car love," he said and kissed my forehead.


"Yeah, Oh."

"But I like this car," I stated with a frown.

"I do too, but it's time to switch it up," he replied and intertwined our hands leading me to one of the covered cars.

"To what?" I asked.

"You'll see," he answered and stroked my hand with his thumb.

We stopped in front of one of the black velvet covered cars and Trey moved to uncover it. I stood by and watched as inch by inch of superb matte black paint revealed itself to put together an all too amazing car. A black Rolls Royce Wraith with black wheels to match.

I stood there gazing at it for what must have been a long time. I came out of my trance when Trey wrapped his arms around me from behind to whisper in my ear.

"We should get going before we get any later for class," he murmured and kissed my cheek. I turned and stared at him blinking several times.

"Can I have it?" I asked in all seriousness. He chuckled and hugged me tighter.

"I'll have one delivered for you, but feel free to use it anytime you want to," he replied with a smirk. I smiled back at him and he walked me to my side, being the gentleman that he was, he opened the door for me, closing it as well before getting in the driver's seat. The garage door automatically lifted and he slowly eased the vehicle out. Once we cleared the gates he started flooring it, making no mistake about the powerful engine under the bonnet.

"You drive like an insane maniac," I commented once we hit the freeway and was all but flying down the lanes.

"Scared?" he asked with a wiggle of his brows.

"Yes," I answered without hesitation and he chuckled.

"I wouldn't let a hair on your head be harmed. Not a thing to be worried about," he said then took my hand and placed a kiss on my wrist.

"Should we bring anything to your parent's place?" I asked.

"Yes, ourselves."

"Besides ourselves."

"Nothing. Mom has everything covered. They just want to see you really."

"Why don't you have any siblings?" I asked.

"My parents were actually considering on following up on another child after I was born," he said factually.

"But..." I prodded. He turned to me and gave me a mischievous grin.

"Let's just say I was a troublesome kid and they had to keep a very close eye on me. I think I scared them from trying again," he said and he looked so pleased with himself.

"They must have been glad when you grew up," I said.

"Well. Let's just say that they could still have had a chance to make another child when I was matured but they didn't."

"Which means you're still terrible and a handful," I summed up.

"Pretty much," he declared proudly. I laughed and not much was spoken for the rest of the car ride, but he did hold my hand the entire way.

We parked up front and I was surprised that he had a pre-reserved parking space, two of them actually. He walked me to class and opened the door like he owned the whole school, not even bothering to acknowledge the teacher. He simply escorted me to a desk and walked out. I on the other hand was blushing like a tomato because the whole class was gawking at us the entire time.

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