"There's nothing that's going to keep me from you. Not even you"

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The week goes by without any incident and Trey and I are back into the swing of things with him working on pack matters and me on my own business. We had decided that although we liked attending school, it was better to finish off college online. Trey had technically already finished multiple degrees and I just wanted to ensure I had mine even though my company was already successful. Trey opted out of his classes and I took what few I had left on my schedule. Today was like any other and I was in our room sorting out my classes online before I moved on to the office that Trey had set up for me. Originally, we were to share an office, but I had told him that I wanted some space so we wouldn't get on each other's nerves. He agreed after a lot of griping and I think it works out better that way because we'd honestly never get anything done. Finishing up, I tidy our room and go to the kitchen. Trey had helpers in the house, but after I pointed out that I'd be naked most of the time, he decided to make our room a no entry zone unless it was an emergency. Absentmindedly, I made myself and him some breakfast and I was humming to myself as I flipped the pancakes.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" I heard a voice ask.

I turned around suddenly and stared at a large man in our kitchen. I had never seen him before and I know he wasn't a guard because they weren't allowed inside the house unless stated.

"Who are you?" I ask pointedly.

"I'd much rather know who you are," he rumbles and tries to get closer to me. Try, being the key word. I throw the spatula at him and hit his head with surprising accuracy and then I holler for Trey. In a flash, he was in the kitchen and the man was being held off the ground by his neck. Trey seemed to have tripled in size and the guards all came rushing in surrounding them

"I'm pretty sure I told you not to enter my home anymore. I made it explicitly clear that no one was to enter this house. What makes you think you're an exception Calder?" Trey asks menacingly.

"Your Highness, I did not mean harm," Calder tries miserably to say as he chokes on Trey's death grip on him. The answer seems to only make Trey angrier and I cringe as I hear cartilage breaking.

"You should have taken my warning seriously. You've shown your true colors by not heeding to a command that I so explicitly carried out."

"I didn't think you were serious about the human," he whispered in a garbled voice.

"The human is my mate! Your Queen!" As he roared this, the formation of guards around him tighten to the point where I could not see over them. I hear a tortured cry and then silence. The guards carry the body and they clear away to reveal a still heaving Trey. His back is turned away from me and his head is hung low as he grips the counters. That too gives way to his anger as I hear a crack and see parts of it crumble under his grasp. I gasp and cover my mouth to stifle any sounds. I knew my mate was strong and a presence to be reckoned with, but I'd never seen anything but love for him. To see him so powerful was an eye opener and turn on. I debated on whether I should go to him. The choice was taken from me when he turned and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Mate," he grumbles lowly. I know his wolf is in control right now and not him. I launch myself at him and he catches me. I burrow my face into his neck inhale.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I run my hands on any place I can reach on him. He doesn't answer me but simply walks to the counter with no damage and sets me on it. Carefully, he begins examining me wordlessly.

"Baby, I'm fine. You would never let anything happen to me."

He just stares me deep into my eyes and breathes heavily. His hand grips my hip and makes it way up the middle of my chest to my neck. He suddenly grips my neck, not hard to strangle me, but enough for me to feel the pressure.

"This is mine. No one touches you," he growls as he releases my neck and swoops down to bite my neck. I gasp and reach up to grip his arms.

"Trey!" I gasp out as I pull him closer to me, grinding my core to his torso. He licks the bite and pulls his head up to stare at me.

"Only mine." He utters and kisses me.

"Say it," he bites out.

"Only yours," I repeat. He caresses my face and plants kisses all over it. He's about to go in again when his phone buzzes in between us. He looks down at it and answers. I make my way to the stove to turn it off as he answers the phone. I watch him as he answers it, marveling at his beauty.

"I want everyone to know that, and make sure they know I won't hesitate to do that again." His voice is gruff and his answers are short then he hangs up the phone. He turns his stare at me again and I feel my heart race. He slowly prowls towards me and stops when he's within a foot of me. He then raises his hand out for me to take and intently stares at me.

"Scared?" he asks. I shake my head and place my hand in his. I gasp when he uses that grip to pull me crashing into him and hoists me up his body, forcing me to lock my legs around his torso. He grips me with one hand on my ass and the other in my hair.

"You see now don't you?" he whispers right by my ear as he ducks down to plant a kiss by my ear.

"See what?" I also whisper.

"That there's nothing that's going to keep you from me. Not even you. We're in this together no matter what." When he says that I get the impression that there literally is no separating from him. His obsession for me is deeply rooted and dark. I knew this because I felt the same way. 

AN: I've felt like writing these past few days and feedback really helps. Comment anything even if it's just a hi to let me know how you guys are liking the story so far. 

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