You need to calm him down.

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AN: Hi Guys! How are all of you? I know times are really rough right now. Let's all get together and help each feel a little less lonely. Comment where you're from and tell us what you're doing while social distancing :)

Also, let's encourage each other through this time. I'm trying to churn out content through all this so you guys can have something to maybe look forward to and read. Let me know if it helps. I'm thinking and praying for all of us right now. Sending you all my love!


As I wait, I go between looking out the window and sitting down on the chair to text Trey's mom. We both decided it would be best if I was alert and just texted when something changed. At this point I dress, ready to leave at any point if needed. My adrenaline is at an all time high and I'm worried sick for Trey, but I also don't want to call out to him in case he's in the middle of a battle and distract him. I hear a noise outside the door, and I freeze then I hear a loud pounding.

"Darlin', it's me!" I hear Trey's father's voice and I quickly rush to let him in since I closed the door.

"Where's Trey," I ask in a rush as soon as I see him.

"Calm down Jayde. He's fine. He sent me here to let you know he's fine, but there's something going on. We need to get you out of here," he says and guides me out.

"Where is he? Is anyone hurt?" I ask. We're making it down the stairs and I can tell this is urgent. I'm scared but I trust them to protect me.

"There were some casualties. We need to get you to our house. Trey will meet us there when he's done," he tells me.

I nod and move quickly. When he opens the door, we step out and barely make it through when I see a brown wolf step in front of us. I don't sense harmlessness in the creature, and I back up, preparing to go inside and Trey's dad comes in front of me, shifting. I see a rush of commotion and more of Trey's pack mates come rushing in, him at the lead. Without hesitation, he pounds on top of the wolf and a fight ensues. I get back inside the house and close the door, ensuring to lock it. I then rush back up to our room and into the panic room Trey showed me. It has a tunneled shoot that leads right to one of the garages so I can make a getaway. I didn't know if it would come to that, but I knew I had to protect our unborn child. With that in mind, I look at the monitors in the panic room that I've sealed myself in and see more wolves coming. It's all a blur and I can't even tell which ones are ours and which are enemies. Just then I hear banging outside the room. I know anyone that knows about this room can get in and wouldn't need to bang. With that knowledge, I quickly slide into the shoot and slide down. As quickly as I can, I get behind the car and turn it on, going at full speed. I keep driving towards Trey's parents house. The whole time I'm driving, I'm afraid knowing that someone could have very well followed me.

I call Trey's mom as I'm driving and keep myself focused on the road.

"Jayde! Where are you? Oh my gosh, are you okay?" she asks frantically.

"I'm on my way. Please have someone meet me on the way and have them prepared to intercept me and follow me on my way there. I'm about 10 minutes away. Please, someone was banging at the panic room!"

"They're on their way sweetheart. Keep safe and focus on the road please. Stay on the phone with me. You know Trey wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"I know, but I'm scared. I feel like something might go wrong. I hope it doesn't but I'm afraid. How far along are they?" I ask with a tinge of panic.

"Two minutes out. Stay calm Jayde. Mistakes are made when we think with fear and not rationalized decisions. And you have more to think of now. I know you can do this my dear. Do it for Trey. You know my boy would go insane if anything were to happen to you." She keeps talking to me on the phone and in less than two minutes I see eyes on the road. I feel more relieved when four wolves flank me while I'm headed for the house.

Finally, as I drive into the compound, I park and get out. Susannah is already there waiting and runs up to me, tears in her eyes.

"Thank God you're okay," she says and hugs me tight. I let the tears I've been holding back fall and sag in her arms. I'm still high strung and stressed about Trey and the men back in the compound, but I straighten my posture and wipe away my tears, turning to face the men who are still in wolf form who guarded me.

"Thank you for helping me, I appreciate it more than you'll ever know," I state. They all get on their stomach and bow, before getting up. Susannah and I get inside, and she gets me water as I sit. I want so badly to communicate with Trey, but I know the danger that could cause so I resist.

"Have you heard anything new about back home?" I ask as I sit.

"No, I haven't. Which is frankly worrying me even more, but I trust the men. You know they wouldn't go down without a fight. Everyone is either there or headed there. Don't worry. You know Trey is tougher than you know," she says and strokes my back.

"I know, but I just worry. I haven't heard from him in so long. I'm just worried about all of them. Last I heard, there were casualties. What about their mates? Their families? It just isn't fair," I say as tears fall again.

"I know darling. In all my years I still have got no answers for that. But these are proud men who are honored to help and have dedicated their lives in helping this kingdom. You can mourn, but more than that, we need to honor what they stood for and what they fought for," she told me.

"I will. I promise I will," I say with resolve.

Just then Susannah gets a far away look in her eyes and I know she's talking to someone in her mind. I look to her expectantly and hold my breath as she finishes up the conversation.

"They're coming," she states and looks me in my eye.

"Are they okay?" I ask with wide, pleading eyes.

"Yes, but Trey," she says and hesitates to finish.

"What? Is he hurt?" I ask with panic.

"No! No! Honey, he's not hurt. He's in a state of rage. You're going to need to calm him down. They should be here soon, but Trevor warns me that he's in a state that he's never seen him in before. Just be aware. He'll be more animalistic than man for a while. You're probably the only one he can stand to be around right now without attacking. Don't be scared hon; he needs you right now," she tells me.

Without waiting, I stand and go outside. Sure enough, a couple moments later I can sense something. It's energy unlike anything I've ever felt before and I'm drawn closer to it. I can almost taste the anger in the air. My mate is calling out to me. With every second, the energy gets more and more palatable. I call out to him knowing he's safe.

"My love," I breathe into his mind. His energy is so overwhelming right now that it's taking me to a place I've never felt before.

"Mine," I hear growled out. Goosebumps break out over my skin and I look out into the horizon. I don't see anything, but the feeling is getting so much stronger with every second. All of a sudden, the gates open and in front of me is Trey.

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