Stay here.

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                   As we agreed we set a date and our wedding was going to take place in two weeks. I had finally made him budge on the issue soon after he convinced me of a week, and he agreed. He was still sulking, but he agreed. We decided that we should tell everyone today while they were all together. So, this afternoon, we were having a family barbecue with our family and closest friends. Trey was so excited and had gotten so much food for the cook to prepare. I was genuinely baffled. I mean it made sense because they had appetites on them, but even this was excessive.

"Jayde!" I hear Trey holler from somewhere downstairs.

"Trey, stop yelling. What do you want?" I'm rummaging through my drawers for something to wear so I'm only in my underwear and robe.

Suddenly, Trey was beside me.

"I don't want to share you with them tonight. Can we cancel this?" he asked seriously with a pout on his face. I resist the urge to laugh at him because I know he's so serious. He'd been like this the past couple of days ever since we found out I was pregnant. He was more protective and also more irrational. Yesterday, he refused to let me open a jar for fear of hurting myself.

"Babe, we can't just cancel on them this last minute when they've taken their time to come see us. Also, your grands and the girls want to discuss wedding plans. If they don't come this wedding might get pushed back."

I could see the wheels in his head turning and we registered the part about the delay his eyes narrowed.

"Fine, I'll let them invade our house tonight. But no one's coming over again until it's been 6 months after you've given birth," he announces and turns to leave. I shake my head and groan then run after him. I jump on his back and somehow, he manages to maneuver so that he's now facing me and carrying me.

"That's not reasonable. You know your parents would never let that happen. You need to calm down or you're going to have heart attack," I say to appease him and caress his jaw. He then notices what I'm wearing or lack of what I'm wearing, and his eyes brighten.

"No!" I try to get off of him and push him away, with no luck. He grips me tighter in his hold and molds my center to his abdomen.

"I don't understand the word 'no' when it comes to you. Do you really want me to stop love?" he asks.

"No, but I just showered, and I get tired, so you need to cool off," I state. He stares at me for a moment longer and gives me a kiss. He then brings his hand up to caress my stomach and whispers in my ear.

"As soon as they leave; you're mine."

A thrill rushes through me and I try to hide my grin from him.

"I saw that mate. Are you sure I can't convince you to just postpone for a few minutes?" he pleads with a pout.

I push his face away with a laugh, skipping back to the closet.

"Nope! Now get down and direct everyone in. They should be coming in a few minutes. And then we get to share the news."

I hear him grumbling all the way down and I shake my head as I get dressed. That man was impossible, but I loved him and wouldn't change a thing about him.

I get ready quickly and head downstairs to make sure he hasn't kicked anyone out. I wouldn't put it past him, especially when he was feeling testy about sharing me and our exciting news.

"Jayde!" I hear as soon as I clear the stairs. One by one my best friends are running towards me. I'm quickly engulfed in a hug and I am so happy to see all of them.

"Be careful with her!" I hear Trey not to far behind and I know he's about to boss everyone.

"Dang man! Chill! We know she just got out of the hospital, but she's good now. She's with all of us and you," Sebastian said to soothe him. I shake my head and give him a look. I know he's just being careful right now, but he was being crazy. Not long after, the rest of the family came, and we had dinner. Of course, they were all asking questions, and everyone was initially worried, but Trey and I reassured them that I was now okay.

When dessert came in, everyone was busy talking amongst each other and we were all engrossed in each other's company. Trey then barged in from goodness knows where he was at and came to stand behind me and yelled.

"Hey, everyone shut up!"

Everyone stopped, surprised at his outburst, and his mom glared at him while one of his grandmothers stood up and started heading for him. Thankfully, he spoke up before she got up to him.

"Okay, I've brought you all here for a reason."

"What is it dipshit?" his grandmother asked, and a couple of laughs could be heard breaking out.

"Nan, language," Trey admonished which caused her to roll her eyes and make a face at him.

"Alright. Jayde and I are expecting our first pup," he proudly announced. Everyone was floored and silence could be seen before then a sob broke out and ended the spell.

"I'm going be a grandma! Trevor, we'll have babies again!" Susannah cried out.

Everyone rushed to me and Trey and engulfed us in hugs. Our get together went on till about midnight when Trey put his foot down and kicked everyone out. Everyone grumbled but relented when he started turning off lights. I had to have a laugh at that one. I knew he was going to drive himself insane while I was pregnant. 

 Finally, as I settle in bed later that night, I look through my phone as I wait for Trey to finish in the bathroom. All of a sudden, I hear a loud explosion outside, and I flinch, immediately getting up and heading straight to Trey just as he races towards me.

"What was that?" I ask, clearly shaken.

"I need to go out and see. Stay here, baby. I mean it Jayde. Don't try to disobey me this time. We have a child to worry about now," he says sternly before he disappears.

I rush to the windows and peek. I can see fire by the gates but see nothing else. It's so dark that I can't even see beyond the front steps of our home. I then grab my phone and call Trey's dad.

"Hey hon, what's up?" he answers cheerfully.

"We just heard an explosion outside and now Trey's out there with the guards. I don't know what's going on, but I'm worried for him," I tell him immediately.

"Okay. Calm down. I'll call the grands and we will be over now. Stay put there Jayde. Call on him if you sense anything out of place alright. I'll keep Susannah on the phone so she can tell me if anything goes wrong on your side."

He then passes the phone to Trey's mom and I recount to her what I just told him. She's worried and we sit and wonder what it could be.

 AN: So since we're all being self-quarantined, I found some time to write. Hopefully I can keep going. 

Sorry for such a long drought between the updates. Between the block and being busy, I have been MIA. 

Hope you guys enjoy. xoxoxo - Stay safe and wash your hands!

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