It's different.

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Jayde's car.

"Your parents are cute," I said with a smile after the door closed.

"I'm glad you think so. They can get out of hand sometimes," he replied and smiled down at me.

"Gavin will be worried. I should go," I started.

"No. I want you here with me," he answered plainly as if it wasn't even up for discussion.

"You just revealed to me a pretty big thing. Don't you think I should at least be allowed to stay home?" I returned with my hands on my hips.

"Yes, but I also don't feel comfortable with you and a guy being together."

"He's my best friend."

"Best friend or not, I'm not letting you go."

"Ughm, if I was to stay here, I wouldn't even have clothes to wear!"

"Order some online and put a rush delivery on it."

"I want my own clothes."

"Then we'll get you some at your house and come back here," he reasoned calmly and looking at me as if I was crazy.

"For crying out loud! He's gay! Nothing's going to happen," I screamed at him and gasped when I realized that I had revealed Gavin's big secret. He didn't look startled but he did relax a bit.

"Well that does make me feel better, but I still want you near me."

"You're being unreasonable," I stated calmly.

"I know, but entertain me," he replied.

I don't know how or why I agreed but I did. I had a feeling I'd agree to anything he'd ask me. So we drove back to Gavin and my house separately for some reason. When we got there he parked right behind me.

"Do you two live together?" he asked.

"Yeah. We just moved here and we know no one else, so we're roomies."

"Hmm. Are your rooms close by?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door.

"No, we're on two separate wings of the house. And since it's pretty large we don't have privacy issues."

"Good," was all he said before he closed the door and followed me up the stars and to the left where my spacious bedroom was.

"I'm guessing your favorite color is blue?" he asked as he settled down on my bed.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. It was true. My favorite color was blue and anyone who saw my room would see why. There were only three color schemes in my room. Light blue, white or pale grey.

"I'm going to pack clothes. Help yourself to the mini fridge," I told him and pointed at the drawer on the right side of the bed. It was custom designed to look like an ordinary bedside table, but it really was my fridge.

I must have been in the closet for twenty minutes packing clothes, shoes, and what not. When I emerged, Trey was looking as comfortable as can be on my bed. One of his arm was folded behind his head and the other was clutching a bag of chips. He must have discovered my other bedside food stash. On his stomach was not only my TV remote, but also a bottle of water.

"Having fun?" I asked.

"Yeps. We could stay here next time," he replied then got up from the bed and took the bag from me. As we headed down, I saw Gavin entering the house.

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