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I woke up and groaned.  I had a really bad head ache.  Then it all came back to me how I got hit with that dang soccer ball. I opened my eyes cautiously and winced when my headache seemed to intensify.  I stared at the pale grey ceiling and it dawned on me that I had no idea where I was.  I moved my hand and was surprised when I felt silk sheets, instead of my comfortable fluffy ones at home.  I then looked down and gasped as I took in the large bed I was laying in.  It did smell divine though, a pure masculine scent, which was definitely not Gavin's.  The opulent bed was situated in the middle of the devastatingly large room.  The scheme for the room was pale grey, black, a mid-tone grey, and hints of blue here and there.  To the right of the bed was a floor to ceiling window that showcased a vast forest ahead of it.  I could see that it was dark outside so it made me wonder how long I'd been out.  Slowly, I sat up and groaned.  I could not believe getting hit by a ball in the head would cause this much complication. Then I slipped my legs off the side of the bed.  Woah! This bed was as tall as it was large.  I carefully slid down from the bed and winced when I got a sharp pang through my head.  Before I could even make one step towards the door, it opened and came through it was hot quad guy.   He rushed to my side and all but lifted me on the bed.

"Are you okay?" he asked with concern.

"Yeah, where am I?" I asked him quietly.

"You're in my home," he answered without any hesitation.

"Why am I here?" I asked getting more and more confused by the second.

"Because I brought you here," he answered as if it was so obvious.

"Yeah, but why? And where's Gavin?" I asked.  At the mention of Gavin's name his jaw clenched.

"You were hit with the ball and when you blacked out I carried you to my car and brought you here to recover.  As for your friend he's in the living room worried about you," he said almost grudgingly.

"Can I go see him then?" I asked as I yet again slipped down from the bed.  He helped get down but said nothing.  He led me through a long hall, past several more doors, and down a flight of stairs then to the left where an extravagant living room was.  Gavin was pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace. 

"Gav-," I started, but got cut off when he immediately came flying for me.

"Are you okay?  When that ball knocked your head, I was so worried," he quickly said before he ran his hands all over my head, looking for a bump of some kind.

"I'm fine Gav, just a little head ache now.  Why are we here?" I said, whispering the last part.

"Dude, there was no deterring the guy from taking you here.  He all but wrenched you from my arms after I caught you.  Got pissed as hell when he found out who threw that ball too.  He's my team captain by the way."

"Well can we go now? I feel like it's kind of weird that we're at a complete stranger's house," I hissed quietly.

"Uh, thanks for the help and all, but we've got to get going," I said to the guy as I spun around to face him.

"I need to talk to you before you leave," he responded mysteriously.  Gavin looked to me like he was deciding on whether he should leave me with him or not.

"It's okay Gav, I'll meet you right outside," I reassured. He nodded and reluctantly left. As weird as it sounded, I didn't feel threatened by this guy.  It was almost as though I was feeling safe with him.  Plus if he wanted to hurt me, he could have done so when I was unconscious on the bed.

"So...." I said, standing almost awkwardly.

"Are you and Gavin in a relationship?" he asked bluntly.  I was taken back by the fact that he was so forward.

"I'm not sure if that's any of your business," I replied just as bluntly.

"Trust me, it's soon to be my business. So tell me, are you?"

"How's that going to be your business?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough.  Are you?" he asked yet again.

"No.  Now why do you want to know?" I asked getting mildly irritated that he wouldn't answer my questions.

"He's getting anxious.  I'll talk more to you tomorrow," he said and started coming towards me.  In an act that surprised me, in a good way, he circled my waist and brought me flush against him, his other hand going to my neck, and kissed my forehead.  "Feel better Jayde," he whispered in my ear as he leaned down.  I stood there shocked, but my feet started moving when he tugged my hand, which he had entwined with his.  We walked silently to the door.  When we got out, it was a bit chilly and I shivered.  I don't know how he noticed it but he suddenly let go of my hand and wrapped his arm protectively over my shoulder.  His warmth immediately seeped in to me and I burrowed deeper into his embrace.  He opened the door of the Escalade for me and saw to it that I was buckled and safely inside before he stepped back to close the door.

"Wait," I said as he was about to close the door.

"Yes?" he asked calmly as if he was ready to answer any question I had for him.

"I don't even know your name," I said quietly.

A small smile touched his lip as the question flew out of my mouth. "Trey," was his response.

"Thank you," I said shyly.  He just tipped his head slightly to the side and closed the door.  He stood there watching me watch him until we reached the huge iron gate.

"What did he have to say?" Gavin asked, starring at the road, but threw me a brief glance.

"He asked if you and I were together," I answered.

"'Ohhhh. That means he's interested," Gavin said factually.

"Shut up Gavin!  He was just probably curious, I defended lamely which caused him to laugh.

"Yeah right!  When I saw you two heading out the house, hand in hand, I got a little suspicious that he liked you.  When he threw his arms around you, then I was sure he was into you.  The fact that he buckled you in just confirmed everything I already knew," He finished smugly.

"Whatever.  I still don't get how you let him take me to his house, which is freaking huge by the way," I said.

"Dude, trust me, there was no stopping him.  I tried to pry you away from him. But some of the team members warned me not to do that.  They just said that he would never hurt you and that I should just follow him if I wanted to stick by you."  I found it weird, but processed it all in my brain.  There was something about Trey that just had me feeling as if all the pieces finally fit.  When we got home, I was glad that I could settle in my large comfortable bed and just relax until the next day of school.  With my thoughts on Trey, I drifted into a peaceful slumber.

AN: There's more and it gets better. Trust. I just need to know if I should continue writing. Give me some feedback. Thanks! :)

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