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AN: Ummm hi. I know. I know. I'm sorry. School has been very busy and I've been awful at writing, mostly because I have no time. But have no fear! In about a month I should be free for break and I can write all day long. But yaaaaa here it is :)

When I open my eyes, the first thing I register is that I'm alone. I groan and roll over to Trey's side of the bed. I settle in and sigh, content that I can at least smell him on the sheets. Just as I open my eyes to get my phone, I scream when I see Trey just standing there. He smirks at me and continues to look over me.

"Why are you just standing there?" I ask.

"I just want to look at you mate," he murmurs. He then sits down beside me on the bed and strokes my back.

"Where were you?" I ask with a pout.

"Just in my office. I heard you wake up," he explains.

"You're always gone when I wake up," I complain and he chuckles.

"I know, but if I stay in bed we both know you won't be getting any sleep." I smile sleepily when he says that because I do know it's true.

"What're we doing today?" I ask.

"You are going to relax here and then we are going swimming."

"So you have more work to do, is what you're saying?" I ask.

"I just need to make a phone call. Want to come? Or are you going to grab something to eat?" he asks as he sits me up and sets me on his lap.

"I think I'll grab something to drink, then I'll follow you."

I get off him and I hear a growl behind me. I freeze and turn, seeing his eyes on my naked form.

"We are not doing this again," I tell him and make a run for the closet. I shriek when he catches me and hoists me over his shoulder.

"I decide when we don't do things, but you're right. You're too sore," he reasons and gives my thigh a kiss.

"So where are you taking me?" I wonder.

"Closet. You need clothes before I let you out our room."

"That's where I was going you barbarian." He just laughs at what I say and set me in the closet. With a kiss, he leaves me and lets me get to dressing.

"Meet you at the office," he tells me when he goes to leave, and I smile at him. Shortly after getting dressed, I head for the kitchen and look for something to snack on. Not taking long, I get juice and some crackers then head out to Trey's office. When I get there, he's already finished with his call and just sitting there staring at me.

"What?" I ask as I pause at the doorway, drinking my juice.

"Come here," he ordered in a low voice. I looked at him with confused eyes but followed his order, nonetheless. When I was close enough, he grabbed me and held me right against him.

"What?" I whisper because his gaze is so intense.

"I love you," he states with a straight face. It's crazy to me that he's willingly such an open book and wants to express his love for me always.

"I love you too," I reply and set my juice down so I can wrap my arms around him. I then jump into his arms and giggle when he catches me by my bottom and buries his head in the crook of my neck.

"You up for going to my parent's place later? I think mom wants to help you start planning for the wedding," he explains as he carries us outside by the pool.

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