"Why me?"

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This is Trey's house.           

 Lunch was unexciting, except for the part where I told Gavin about my run in with Ashley. He, of course, found it hilarious and started laughing. He had actually seen her at the bleachers yesterday ogling at all of them. School passed by pretty quickly and I was heading out when a hand gently encircled my waist to stop me in my tracks. I turned around and smiled upon seeing Trey there.

"Hi," I greeted.

"Hey, how was your day?" he asked.

"It was interesting. I ran across Ashley," I said by way of explanation. His jaw clenched.

"She's just pissing me off lately these days. More trouble than I care for. Did she bother you?" he asked and I could see he was angry.

"I handled it, plus your friend Sebastian shooed her away before anything got too serious," I reassured him.

"Good," he said and I could tell he was still angry.

"So she said that you were her boyfriend. Is that true?" I asked cautiously.

"No. She and I had a brief fling and now she thinks she has full claim over me, which isn't true. If that was the case, then she would have claim over 30 guys," he rumbled.

"Oh. Well I didn't mean to intrude or anything, I just didn't want to go without knowing what was true or not," I explained lamely.

"You weren't intruding. You can ask me anything if you want to," he assured then he leaned in and gave the side of my neck a kiss.

"You ready for that talk now?" he asked when he straightened back up.

"Uh, yeah. Where are we going to talk by the way?" I asked, shifting awkwardly.

"At my house. You said you didn't drive with Gavin so I'm assuming you have your car with you. I'll give you directions if you have a GPS system in your car."

"Okay, and I do, have a GPS system I mean," I conceded. He nodded and I led the way to my vehicle. After he punched in the coordinates for his house, he then told me to follow his black Maserati, the sexy car I was drooling over the day before. A hot car for an even hotter man, I thought to myself.

I followed him and when we arrived in front of his gate twenty minutes later, I was amazed to find that the house looked even larger in broad daylight. I parked behind him and got out, walking to where he was waiting for me.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked him as he was leading me to the living room. He gracefully sat on the large L-shaped couch and I sat there as well, but put a few inches of space between us.

"Look, what I'm about to tell you. You may not believe, but keep an open mind. Okay?" he stated cautiously. I nodded apprehensively and looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"When I saw you. When I first caught your scent. You captivated me. I was surprised and all together shocked because I never knew that what I'd found was in the cards for me. I truly believed that you weren't out there," he said in a sincere voice. I cocked my head to the side and contemplated what he had just said.

"What am I to you?" I asked.

"Like I said. Keep an open mind. Don't let what I'm about to tell you close your mind off from me," he soothed.

"Okay. So what am I?" I asked again. He didn't look a bit nervous just like he was ready to tell me.

"My mate," he replied with a straight face. I sat there with an emotionless face staring at him, then I scratched my brow.

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