"What's that smell?"

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As promised I stayed out of sight and planned what I could for the families and the warriors that had fallen. It was tradition to honor them in a ceremony and it was my honor to do so. It was a small thing in comparison to all that they had done. I had also seen the families and spoke with them in person. They were all supportive of each other and we were doing our best to make sure they were compensated for the rest of their lives, not that it would make up for losing them, but as a means of honoring their lives.
It was a long day and I had just finished the last of the planning and memorials, as well as meetings with the families. I was tired but I wanted to do it for my people. I walked back to Trey and I's temporary room in his parents house. He has messaged me throughout the day but I actually hadn't seen him yet. I knew being pregnant was also taking a toll on me and I had to rest. When I got in the room, I stripped and headed straight for the shower quickly and then passed out on the bed after in my robe.
"My love," I hear and I groan as I feel myself being carried.
I blink and open my eyes, my senses alerting me that it's Trey.
"What time is it?" I ask somewhat coming to it.
"It's a little past midnight. You fell asleep on the blankets. I'm just going to move you under." Like he says he moves me under the covers and I burrow in as I fall back to sleep again. I don't know how much time passes when I'm pulled back into Trey and he burrows his head in my hair and covers my stomach with his hand.
The next day I wake up sweating and I know it's because Trey is plastered behind me. It only takes about a second before I'm inundated with nausea and I have to try and break loose of his hold. His strength is no match for me and I'm struggling so I do what I have to to wake him up and reach behind me to knock him. It's enough to have him loosen his hold and I make a run for the bathroom, hearing Trey startle and run after me. I hurl the contents of my stomach in the toilet and heave, all the while Trey is holding my hair and rubbing my back. I hunch over the toilet some more and I just stay there until I think I'm okay.
When I'm done, I raise my head and slump into Trey's arms. He holds me close and then brings me to the counter to set me on it while he helps me brush my teeth. Once we're done, he brings us back to bed and has me laying in his arms.
"Are you feeling better?" He asks in a groggy voice.
"I guess so. Only time will tell. Your kid is really throwing me in for a ride," I joke.
"Take it easy on your mother, son" he says as he rubs my somewhat noticeable bump.
I turn and burrow more into his neck and that's when I freeze.
"What's that smell?" I ask. It doesn't smell like Trey. In fact, it smells a whole lot like another woman. The smell was all over him. I sit up and look into his eyes.
"Jayde, I can explain." He says slowly.
"Then what? I didn't see you all day yesterday and now you come home smelling like another woman in our bed," I thunder. I make my way out of bed and into my closet putting on clothes. He's following right behind me.
"You know I wouldn't touch another woman. I -" his explanation gets cut off when he gets this look in his eyes. Clearly he just got word from someone in the pack.
"I have to go but baby please just know I wouldn't do anything. I love you and only you," I'll be back as soon as I can.
He's gone before I even can answer and I'm not satisfied with his answer. I don't know if it's because I'm jealous or I'm hormonal but I decide I don't want to hear him out anymore. So instead, I get dressed and call Trey's mom.
"Hey honey, good morning. How are you?" She asks joyfully.
I explain to her what happened and my need to get away right now due to my emotions. I explain to her that I want to be safe and not endanger anyone but that I just need to get away. She was more than helpful and assisted me on how I could do that with the other grands. By the time I finished the call, I was set to be in Scotland in just a few minutes. Times like these really made teleportation a blessing and future in laws that liked messing with their own so much. I was mad and I was irritated. All the grands would go with me to Scotland and that was a safe heaven for us so I knew I wouldn't be causing more harm to anyone and distracting everyone here while I got space.

AN: hi long time no update (: sorry! Thank you for all the loyal and new readers you guys rock. And to my day 1s you guys are amazing for sticking with me through this. Check out my other books if you'd like. Enjoy ☺️

OWNEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora