"Time to go."

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I was escorted back out at the arena with the rest of the women. When I took my seat Nana threw me a wicked grin and I looked over the crowd. There were easily hundreds of people here and I knew they were all here, or at least the majority of them, to support my fiancé. The guard came before yet again and I acknowledged him politely.

"The opponent's mate would like to speak to you Miss," he informs me. I look past him as see this woman. She's beautiful and has a look of defiance on her face.

"I decline," I tell him and look straight into her eyes as I say it. I knew she could hear me, but I did not care.

"You don't deserve to be queen. I do!" She's yelling at me and it takes everything in me not to respond. Alas, I refrain from giving her the reaction that she wants.

"My mate will kill your no good mate! And when he does, I'll have everything you do and more."

That's when I snap and rise out of my seat. The guard also stands in front of me and is ready to attack.

"Get rid of her please. I have better things to do," I request kindly and sit back down.  I remember what the ladies told me earlier and I needed to keep in mind that she was my inferior. My mate would make sure that punishment would come after, but I needed to support him and not get off track. The guard moves her while she's kicking and screaming.  Just then, a man is announced as Alfred came on to the arena. I could see he was cocky and that he had evil ways to him. I immediately felt uncomfortable, but I didn't let my eyes stay on him. Instead, I searched for Trey.

"All stand," the same announcer ordered. Everyone stood, and so did I because I knew Trey was about to come out.

"The King," the man announced. This was when the crowd went wild and I watched as my fiancé stood tall and proud. I couldn't have been more proud of him in that moment. He looks over the crowd and the people settle down and bow. He stops when he faces me and gives me a penetrating stare.

"Rise," he bellows from below. I get chills and keep my focus on him. A wave of emotion hits me when I think of the short time that we'd met. It wasn't exactly conventional, but our love was true. 

"Gentlemen, you two know the rules. Let's begin." Everyone sat down and I stayed standing a while longer, sitting when I was sure everyone else had. I saw from the corner of my eyes Nana give me an approving nod, but I refused to keep my eyes off Trey.

At first they were just circling around each other and then Alfred must have said something to Trey because Trey knocked him down. I could tell Trey wasn't using much energy. If anything, he was riling his prey. I hear a commotion beside me and see that the mate is back.

"He won't win. I promise he won't," she vowed. Then I felt her moving closer to me. I didn't want to lose track of the fight that was now escalating. So with an agility I didn't know I possessed, I grabbed the spear a guard was holding and rotated it, holding the spear part to me and using the other end to knock her. I guess it was enough because she crumpled to the ground like she'd fainted. The guard looked shocked because in all this, I was still watching my man. I gave it back to him and he took it.

"Get rid of her please. Make sure she stays away for the entirety of the duel," I request.

"I told you the two of them were crazy. Perfect for each other," I hear one of the grandmothers murmur in the back and the rest of them laugh.

When I can finally focus back, I see that Trey has done some damage to his opponent. It didn't even take long. Then, the opponent turned into his wolf. Trey remained human and the wolf came at him, teeth bared. Trey dodged him and the wolf came back at him and caught his arm. I saw blood dripping down his arm and I resisted the urge to flinch. Instead of showing pain, Trey was smirking evilly. He ripped his arm from the wolf's mouth and grabbed it by the head, easily picking it up and throwing it against the wall. The whole arena shook with the force of the impact. Then Trey transformed in a flash and was so large. I had forgotten how big he was. He made the other wolf look like a dog. Trey's wolf was lazily circling the arena, waiting for the other wolf to get up. The other wolf got up and shook its head, heading straight for Trey. I watched partly in awe, partly in shock as Trey's wolf bounded so effortlessly into the air and catch the other wolf. He got him right on his neck and he shook him like a rag doll until the body was lifeless. There was silence over the crowd as Trey dropped the body on the ground and blood pooled around it. No one said a word until the announcer declared that it was over. The crowd went wild and Trey's wolf looked over at me. I knew he could feel what I was feeling and hear what he was too.

"Be ready for me back at the house. I've got to clean this up," he gruffly ordered in my mind. My nipples hardened and my breathing slowed down.

"Time to go," I said to no one in particular and gathered up the bottom of my gown to jump off the platform we sat on. The guard assigned to me escorted us back to the car and all the women were wild with excitement. It didn't take us long to reach the house and I got out and waved goodbye to all my future in laws.

"You better make me a grandma soon. Trevor and I are tired of waiting!" That was Susannah yelling before the car sped off with all of the women laughing. I shook my head fondly because I adored all of them and I knew they'd be so excited with the prospect of a baby. Taking a deep breath, I headed for the house. I was already growing with anticipation and I knew tonight would be nothing short of mind blowing.

AN: Little short, but its something. So how was your day?
Also, there are some new readers in the beginning chapters who are really bothered by his height and honestly, I made this character what I wanted so if you don't like it then make up a height in your own mind. That's what imagination is for. Simple.
But on another note, I really do appreciate everyone who has been keeping up and reading the book!

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