The Parents, Grand parents, and Great grand parents.

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Break time came quickly enough and Gavin was eager to catch up to me to talk.

"So how was the 'sleep-over'?" Gavin asked making air quotations on sleepover.

"Well we had dinner and watched a little television then had I went to bed."

"So you're telling me that's all that happened?" he asked skeptically.

"Uh. Yes. That's all that happened."

"Are you staying there again tonight?"


"Can you at least stop by for dinner, I miss you babes," he pouted. I laughed.

"Can I take a rain check on that? Trey's parents invited us for dinner."

"Already meeting the parents? Wow! You guys are going fast," he said with a look of amazement.

"Well I've already met them actually, so this would be my second."

"Ohh. You little witch! You didn't tell me you met them already! How did that happen anyway?" he asked excitedly.

"Well you know that afternoon that he and I met? Well we were talking at his house and suddenly his parents burst in wanting to meet me. And they did."

"Well you're definitely coming home tomorrow. At least for dinner and I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Sir, yes, sir."

As quickly as break passed, lunch came. I was altogether surprised when Trey was leaning against the wall outside of my class, waiting for me.

"Hi," I greeted with a smile.

"Hey. How was your day so far?" he asked as he took my hand and led me to the cafeteria.

"Boring. We've been reviewing and it's getting tedious," I replied.

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "At least it was better than mine."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Absolutely nothing. The professor was droning on so I tuned him out."

When we arrived at the cafeteria and he steered me towards a large lunch table. A hoard of guys were there and Gavin was also surprisingly there too. Some guys were with their girlfriends and I smiled at them as we sat down. Trey was seated at the head of the table and I sat beside him.

"We have practice this afternoon. DO you want to stay or should I drop you back to our house?" he asked.

"Our house?" I asked with raised eyebrows, shaking my head.

"Yes, ours. Now I'd prefer if you went home because I'd really rather you not getting hit with a ball again."

"How about I go to Gavin and my place so I can get clothes for the night then I come back here to get you?"

"That sounds perfect. I'll get ready here so we can just head straight to mom's."

"Alright. And are you sure we don't have to bring anything?" I asked.

"Yes. Now stop worrying. Mom's already called twice to make sure we make it."


"Ayo Man!" Gavin hollered as he plopped unto a seat across from Trey and I. Trey nodded.

"You and Jayde have to come tomorrow for dinner or something. I miss my girl," he said with a huge grin.

"We'll be there. Just text her with the details. And by the way. She's my girl," he added with a grin at Gavin and a wink at me.

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