"Mom says...."

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AN: Read at your own risk. 

The next few days were a blur and it was truly beautiful. Our time in Scotland was amazing and although I was sad to leave, I was ready to return to our normal. When we got back, I was busy with work since I'd taken off for a few days. Thankfully, being the CEO gave me the flexibility to create my own schedule. I manufactured materials for boats and planes and it was a business I stumbled on accidentally. I was in my office making sure everything was on track and I was calling all my factories, just making sure I was touching base with all my warehouses.

"Miss. Covington?" my secretary knocked and popped her head in.

"Hey Barb, what's up?" I asked as she came in with a stack of paperwork for me to look over.

"So the manufacturers from Denver just called and they want to you to fly over within the week to give them a presentation."

I didn't really want to travel, but in order to keep my business afloat I had to. This was a particularly big deal that I had been negotiating for a couple of months.

"Uh, okay. Just tell them I'll be over in a day or two. This shouldn't take that long," I reasoned.

Finally, after a few hours, I was finally able to shut down in the office and come home. The first thing that greeted me was a delicious smell. I followed my nose and of course ended up in the kitchen where Trey was standing. Even with a shirt on, I could see the muscles on his back rippling. I stood and stared for a long time before I realized he had turned and was in front of me in an instant.

"Are you just going to stare?" he asked amusedly as he enveloped me in his arms.

"Yes, I actually was. I still don't get why you like me," I mumble into his shirt as I hug him back.

"I know why. That's all that matters," he replies and plants a kiss on my head.

"How was your day?" he asks me again.

"It was good. Really busy, but so productive. How was yours?" I asked.

"It was long and I missed you," he grumbled. I laugh and rub his chest.

"What are you making?" I asked.

"Mom brought over some dinner. I'm just warming it," he says with a grin.

"Well, be sure to tell her I said thank you."

"She'll be over again tomorrow. You can tell her yourself. It's her famous meat loaf," he says and I know he must love it.

"I'll have to get the recipe from her sometime," I reply. "Go sit and I'll bring it out."

"Alright, but first I need my kiss," he says and wastes no time going for it.

When we break apart, I'm panting and so ready to just forget about the meat loaf. Alas, I had to feed him so I shooed him away while I went to get the plates, utensils, and check on the meatloaf. It's almost ready and I set the table while he's trying to be a distraction.

When we get seated, he dives right into his food and I'm not even halfway through when he finishes.

"I want alone time together tomorrow. We haven't had a day with just us," he tells me.

I pause and look at him to gauge how serious he is.

"Babe, we just came from Scotland," I point out.

"I know, but we were with everyone," he pointed out. I smile and caress his neck, giving him a peck on his cheek. He then turns and tries to capture it, but I bat his head away.

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