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Rewinding Reverie


"So just to be clear, nobody remembers anything from last night?" Skepticism laces my tone as we step out of the warehouse for Maira to lick her wounds in the privacy of the room.

"Do you think we'd be this way if we knew what we're up against?" Ella retorts antagonizingly and I can't shake aside this feeling that something is indefinitely wrong. The way she's been acting isn't very typical. Maybe she does remember but wants to lead us on to note our reactions instead. Who in the right mind can act so cool after witnessing a corpse like that? I know I can't.

I draw my hand towards my temple in an attempt to block the rain but it keeps pounding down on the mushy grounds in a cadence that's rather haunting. I'm cold, starving, confused and scared to a fault right now to revel in the weather.

"I'm really worried you guys." Vaanya shudders to the rain and I look at her. "How do you think he died?"

"He'd have drunk himself to death for all I care," Ella says snidely, rolling her eyes and the niggling feeling is back in my gut again.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about," I grouse and feel their eyes on me.

"What?" Ella daggers acidly, cocking her hips to change her posture. "It isn't my fault it looks that way. Why are you so hell-bent on pinning this on me? You could've killed him too."

How dare she? "And why would I do that?"

"Okay guys, please!" Vaanya interjects and Ella looks away, crossing her arms over her chest. "Just calm down." She eyes the door open and I shut up as Maira walks out. "Are you okay?"

"My boyfriend is dead, what do you think?" She sniffles and I instantly feel horrible for her.

"You couldn't have done anything M," Ella says. "Abusing on alcohol was his kink and maybe something went down with that."

Maira's gaze flickers on Ella. "I know it looks that way but he was always careful with alcohol but you are so determined to prove me wrong and make it all look like some accident."

"Because it is!" Of course Ella would shriek to prove a point.

"But how are you sure about that?" Maira counters back frigidly and she purses her lips.

"I can't do this anymore." Ella throws her arms up in the air in defeat. "I'm out of here."

Maira covers her mouth and looks away as though she's sick and I know she is-I feel the same way too.

"Let's just go back to our separate places okay?" I ask, not wanting to wait here for someone else to locate us.

We set out in our different ways almost immediately after discussing our plans for alibis and I halt for another minute to watch Maira leave with Vaanya after Ella pedal her car out of the woods. I decide to hike back to my place silently. If anything I know it in my gut that one of us is lying about last night.


I watch the bartender pour me another glass of scotch and it's taking him forever. It's damn near irritating to watch him pour it with all his mighty art of mixology.

"Give me that fucking thing!" I snatch it out of his grip and he gawks at me as I tip my head back and flush it down my throat convulsively. "Add it to my father's tab, will you?" I ask, arching a brow challengingly and he nods like an obedient duck. "I might need another one too," I slur as he begins to back away to spare me the privacy and I continue to drink in silent misery.

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