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'Something beguiling.'




That was my first rule. That was what I promised myself to comply and then I had broken it.

I glared at the crackling flame of the candle that seated atop the dinner table. Everyone in the room thought they knew her—but not the way I did. I always knew better—knew Vaanya Mittal has always been famous for playing her parts well. The obedient daughter to her mother, a caring and protective sister, a pleasant and kind friend, a shining student with a pristine track record, and the innocent beauty of this community; everyone loved her—including me.

Dad clapped on my shoulder, breaking through my trance as he laughed at something Arijit had remarked. I waited to know what he had to say next. Spout bullshit again? Try to impress these hordes of superficial morons? I hated that I had to do these dinners and catch up with families, acting like I care a damn about these monthly community traditions.

But then, Arijit remained silent, looking at me and leaving the ball in my court. God, I was so fucking bored. I wish it were these dinners, the chatters, and the laughs that tensed me but it wasn't. I was twenty, single, and in the best shape, fulfilling my demands and living my life.

It wasn't the dinner—it was her. I could hardly think of anything else because she was here, seated right across me, looking nothing less than a fucking goddess.

I wondered if she loved me as much as I loved her if she wanted me as desperately as I longed for her. I bowed my head down and closed my eyes after I breathed hard. Goddamn. I was a lost cause.

She was a constant cock teaser. Her laughter vibrated through her, making her tits rise and fall, and it made me want to take one of her nipples between my teeth and make her scream my name until she begged for me to stop. Her golden skin glowed under the lights and looked like a feast. Her hair had waves that reminded me of summer afternoons, so soft I could barely resist touching the tendrils.

I'd done fine at ignoring these feelings before. She had always regarded me as her best friend since we played at the park together when we were kids and then, I ignored her after the fall and we decided to go in our separate ways. It was never about me—I always made sure of that.

I wanted a quick smoke and the buzz of the crowd was wearing me down. I pushed to my feet to take a quiet exit when Kunal caught my arm and shot up a brow in my direction.

"Dinner isn't over yet," he said, exchanging a smile with Maira's mother over a shared joke and I resisted rolling my eyes. I had to unwind and this fucker wasn't letting me. "We can visit my bachelor pad later at night, just sit through this." He began to pour me a drink instead and I snorted. Alcohol wasn't my jam—I hated throwing up later.

"Just leave me alone," I told him and Kunal's dark eyes—almost black drifted to me. I was sick of his antics.

"Dude, this isn't 2015. Stop acting like a kid," he shot and I shook my head. He set the glass on the table and I ran my fingers through my hair. "You gotta be patient."

"No. I have been patient enough," I retorted and drank from the glass. "I'm done sit—"

"Are you guys okay?" Vaanya asked and I nearly cursed under my breath. Her gaze traveled from Kunal's face and fixated on mine. "What's going on?"

I drank from the glass because I was hell-bent on ignoring her. Vaanya Mittal was a complication—tempting, sure but theatrical regardless. Kunal glanced in my direction and then averted his gaze back on Vaanya. "He's bored," he told her. "I guess." The dude couldn't have been more accurate.

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