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'Pretty lies.'


Miss Wannabe Perfect: #Exposed

It is often believed that truth always has a way to get out even if you try to hide it. You might lie, run away as far as you can, or probably realize that you have been looking at the truth all along, just not necessarily the way you wanted it to be. Pretty lies can catch up to you in no time.

I have spied with my little eye that our queen (E.A) has turned a little wiser...or not so much. From dating a certain coach to our beloved jock of the season (J.X). When the cat's away, the mice will play. Where are you A? The cold war has already begun and it's just the matter of time the brew escalates to a simmer.

And as for you E, you are nothing without your King. So I take it you have been officially dethroned. Until next time darlings, x.

Holy Fuck! This is bad. This is ridiculously bad.

I shut my smartphone and shove it in the back pocket of my denim as I stride into the cafeteria, darting my gaze around the corners to spot Ishani-the only person besides us who knew anything about Jordan Xaba. It took only twenty four hours for the fucking word to circle; and she is as good as dead now.

"Where the fuck is Ella?" Sam mutters as she joins me and I fail to find Ishani.

"I think she's with Aagnay," Vaanya asserts, catching my hand and I freeze to my stance. I hate it when she does that. I don't want to calm down damn it. I already hate her fucking nerve and this shit has now gone too far. I know for sure that Ishani is settling some sick score I wasn't aware of. "Doing the much needed damage control."

"Well, that's good for her," I mutter snappishly and spot Ranveer with his group of junkie friends, laughing to something. Fucker doesn't even care his girlfriend is in the same room. Someone needs to smack his balls. "Where's Ishani?"

"I haven't seen her since yesterday," Sam says and I pivot to check the last corner of the room crawling with retarded fuckers of this glorious college. "She seemed sad you know? I wanted to speak with her but she just bolted like nobody's business."

I snap my neck in her direction to face her. "Why did you want to speak with her?"

She gawks at me and then at Vaanya before she tentatively answers, "Well because, like I said, she seemed sad." That's not a fucking reason. Bitch deserved to be sad-no freaking miserable after what she said to me. If it weren't for these people, I'd have snapped her neck into two like goddamned twigs.

"You people need to focus," Vaanya interjects and I avert my gaze on her. "Ishani isn't the issue, Ella is."

"Ishani is the reason this got out in the first place," I bite out gruffly and she purses her lips. "Bitch better have an explanation when I hunt her boney ass down."

"Well you can't," Ella announces, sauntering to us and my brows furrow.

Vaanya's gaze narrows on her. "What do you mean?"

"Ishani is dead." That alone gives me a massive pause. Ella sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of her nose exasperatedly. "She was found dead downtown last night-well her remains, I mean."

Sam shakes her head confoundedly. "Wait, hang on, what do you mean by 'remains'?"

"Apparently, her cause of death is a gas leak in her kitchen," she says and I gape at her. "The tank blew off." What the fuck?

#EXPOSEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang