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Don't believe everything you read.


Finally, the day has arrived when everyone who is someone in our community will be at the Dubey's residence to pay their respects and homage. I have coordinated with the girls accordingly to reach the destination to be with Maira. She has been there since the morning.

"Did Ma agree to go with you today?" Jia asks as she sits on my bed cautiously and I rush to her. She smiles at me as I help her settle. "You don't have to look after me all the time Vaanya," she says and I wave my hand dismissively.

"It's not like Ma is going to help you." I sound much snarkier than I had expected and she giggles. I look at her flushed face, her dyed red hair curtaining her soft visage. My sister looks a lot like me except she is shorter and curvier, also because her baby bump is starting to show up fast and it's on me to look after her. "I'm not sure if she is," I say and turn to face the mirror as I fix my hair with some hairspray. "I'm going with Ranveer."

"Nice." She grins and I glance at her reflection in the mirror. "I miss him visiting us and I miss going to college."

"You'll be going back in no time," I promise and slip on my bracelet. "For now though, you need to focus on the little thing growing inside you."

She caresses her belly and smiles dreamily. "Yeah, I can't believe it will be here in a few months. Could you please tell Maira how sorry I am for not being able to visit today? It saddens me to even imagine what she must be going through and worse because I can't go pay my respects in person."

"She understands Jia." I sit beside her and she smiles at me. "Tell you what? How about we watch some classic zombie movies tonight and I can tell you all about today, yeah?" I cup her face like she is my little doll—which won't be a lie. She is my baby sister—a couple of years younger than me but I love her too much. It's insane what she is going through right now.

"Can you also see if Ranveer would like to join us?" I'm afraid Jia is fonder of him than I am. He makes her laugh and they talk nonsense but more than anything, Ranveer was here when things got hard. He helped me look after Jia and he was here whenever she needed something.

"I'll talk to him but no promises okay?" I smack a kiss on her temple and rise to my feet as I begin to get ready to head out.

"You look beautiful today," she says sweetly. "I miss being able to wear dresses that aren't found in the maternity section." She rolls her eyes and I chuckle.

"You hate motherhood already?" I ask in a teasing tone and she straightens, shaking her head in denial as she looks down.

"It's just that I didn't know this would restrict me so much," she grumbles and I chuckle again. "But I'm excited too."

"It's going to be great, I promise." My phone buzzes on the bed and she picks it up before I could answer.

"Ranveer's here," she announces and I fetch my bag from the bed. "Have fun." I roll my eyes at her dire sarcasm and she shrugs goofily. "With him, after you return, I mean."

"Take care and take your vitamins," I demand as I begin to get out of the room. "And don't do anything stupid. I'll let Ma know that I'm on my way out. Bye."

I unlock the front door and spot Ranveer on his Ninja, his face concealed with the helmet and so are his hands with the biker gloves. He revs up the bike and I smile foolishly when I advance towards him.

"You're late!" I tug his black denim jacket and I can picture his megawatt smile.

"Hello to you too babe." I hear his muffled voice and hop on the bike behind him. He passes me the helmet and I slip it on. "Hang tight," he demands as he coasts through the busy streets.

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